Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tennant Is In It: You, Me & Him

This past weekend, my wife Andrea and I watched a British comedy called You Me & Him.


We were watching this movie because David Tennant was in it.


Ever since Andrea first got pulled into the universe of all things Doctor Who she is obsessed with watching things with Doctor Who people in them, particularly Matt Smith and David Tennant.


Andrea had NO clue what Jessica Jones was about but she watched it because David Tennant was in it.


Andrea has NO love for movies with zombies but she sat through Pride and Prejudice and Zombies because Matt Smith was in it.


So there we were watching a comedy about two lesbians dealing with impending motherhood because David Tennant was in it.


Olivia is a professional lawyer person in London, pushing 40 and her biological clock isn’t just ticking, its flailing away at the side of a gong.


Alexa is her lesbian partner, a younger woman who is decidedly not a “professional person”. She is a frustrated artist with the emphasis on “frustrated”. She starts her day with a hit from a bong and spend hers day contemplating a single dot on an otherwise blank canvas.


Olivia loves Alexa and wants to start a family. Alexa who isn’t doing such a great job bringing up herself is less than keen on the idea of raising a child. But Olivia can’t wait and begins treatments to be artificially inseminated.  She springs this news on Alexa who doesn’t take being kept in the dark very well.  The two have a fight and a very drunken Alexa winds of having decidedly unlesbian sex with emphatically unlesbian George.


Say hello to David Tennant, everybody! Inexplicably, Tennant as George has a thick, pointy beard that makes him look a lot like a creepy cult leader.


Olivia and Alexa do make up but then things take a bad turn when (you saw this coming, right?) Alexa is pregnant from her one night stand with George. 


Olivia is not happy about that and there’s another fight for our favorite British lesbian couple. Running hot and cold, these two, I gotta tell you.


Eventually, Olivia and Alexa make amends (again) but things are not always easy going for these two. They may both be pregnant women but it’s not the same pregnancy. It doesn’t help Olivia’s mood that George insists on being a part of things. (Really, if he would lose the cult leader beard, that would help so much.)


Then things take a bad turn. Sitting next to me, Andrea was tensing up. “Oh no! They can’t do this! This is bad!” I assured her that this is a comedy and surely the writer and director would not go there.


They go there.  It’s pretty dark and bleak.




Things slowly turn back towards the light but not before Olivia and Alexa are on the outs again.


C’mon! These two crazy kids have got to make it work!


It is a fine movie with lots of laughs and yes, tears. 


And David Tennant. Man, I never could get used to the cult leader beard.


Besides David, there are other Doctor Who connections in You, Me & Him.


  • Georgia Tennant (formerly Moffat) who played Jenny in Doctor Who Series 4 has a cameo and is one of the film’s producers.  
  • She gives her dad some work.  Peter Davison, the 5th Doctor himself, has a cameo.
  • From Doctor Who Series 2, the dude who plays the President of Great Britain in a parallel universe is in the movie.
  • Alexa is played by the same actress who planed Shona in Last Christmas, the 2014 Doctor Who Christmas special. 


OK, that’s that for You, Me & Him. Next up, Andrea and I need to catch up on Duck Tales. She likes Duck Tales because of nostalgia for her younger days.


Also, David Tennant is in it. 

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