Thursday, April 25, 2019

Time Moving In the Right Order

Is this how time normally passes? Really slowly. In the right order. 
--The Doctor

The thing about birthdays is that it reminds you that time is moving in the right order which is forward. Fast or slow, time’s forward march is inevitable. We can fuss, fume, complain and bargain but time will move on. 

Another reminder of time’s forward movement is my daughter. It seems not so long ago that Andrea and I first brought her home from the hospital, so small and so dependent on us. Oh how we loved her so.

Today she’s tall, independent, obstinate and thinks she’s know more than we do. And we still love her. 

18 and half years ago, Randie came into our lives. She set up shop here at the Fortress of Ineptitude like she owned the place. In a few months, she will be elsewhere.

In little more than a month, she will be graduating from high school. Two months after that, she will venture forth 3 hours to the east to attend college.

This seems too soon to be happening. This can’t be right.

But it is right. Time moves forward in the right order. Earlier this week, Andrea and I joined Randie for a visit to her new and future college home. It seems like a nice place with amenities that we did not have when Andrea and I were in college. 

I watched as Miranda chatted with our tour guide, bursting with questions and energy. She’s eager for this new journey to begin. I know she has her fears and worries about the future but I will say she’s in a far better position to face that future than I was when I was her age.

I’m reluctant to let her go. But time moves forward. Time is moving in the right order.

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