Friday, July 26, 2019

Can't Always Get What You Want

It’s been a couple of days since Robert Mueller testified on Capitol Hill before the House Judiciary Committee and the House Intelligence Committee. 

Even before the first of the two hearings was over, the mood in the White House was "euphoria".  

Despite Mueller saying nothing that would vindicate or exonerate Donald Trump, the consensus for Donald Trump and his sniveling sycophants was Mueller's testimony counted as a win for their side. 

For a guy who is more obsessed with optics over substance, the jumped to conclusion was somewhat understandable. Mueller was hardly a captivating presence before the TV cameras. He was, at best, terse. At worst, he seemed uncertain and unsteady. 

Quickly the narrative began to spin around the right wing rumor mills that Mueller was in poor health and was never really in charge of the investigation, that Mueller was old and decrepit, a mere figurehead while others did the actual dirty work of trying to smear Donald Trump's good name. 

Sarah Huckabee Sanders arose from her sinister sarcophagus to pronounce the hearings as final proof that the whole thing was a hoax.   

And this is why we're doomed. 

You see, the truth of the matter is that Mueller's report tells a far different story from what Trump and his ilk seek to force down the eager throats of their Fox News indoctrinated base. And the words that Robert Mueller spoke on Wednesday gave not so much as a syllable to indicate any difference. 

No, Robert Mueller did not make a good witness for the prosecution of Trump's lies and malfeasance. In the view of Trump, he did not look good up there. 

But did anyone listen to what he had to say? 

Does anyone care? 

At the end of the day on Wednesday, all the misdeeds of Donald Trump and his cronies are still on display. 

And it doesn't matter. 

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