Monday, July 15, 2019

It's Not the Heat....

You know the old saw, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."

Over the last several days here in central North Carolina, it has been particularly true. 

The fam ventured forth from the Fortress of Ineptitude with our special guest, Randie's girlfriend. First we spent a few hours at the pool. I would not wager which was wetter, the water in the pool or the air above it. 

Later that evening we took in a baseball game. At 7 PM, the temperature was 90 degrees. By the time the game and the post game fireworks ended 3 hours later, the temperature was down to 79 degrees. But it wasn't any more comfortable. The air was thick with hot, sticky moisture. 

Click here for Two Live Jews, "Oy! It's So Humid"

Stay cool and dry if you can, peeps.  

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