I’ve been under some pressure from my wife and son to see my doctor.
All because it hurts when I do things.
Like walk.
Or stand up.
Or sit down.
“David, you need to go to the doctor.”
“Dad, you need to go to the doctor.”
I saw no need to go to my doctor because I knew what he would tell me.
“You’re overweight and you need to exercise.”
Why do I need to pay good money to hear what I already know.
I used to be big on going on walks. I would take a loop or two around the block. Those walks were good therapy, both physical and mental.
But it started to hurt to take those walks. I would feel excruciating pain in my lower back and in my hips.
Mostly because my frame is carrying about 1/6th of a metric ton of weight.
I don’t eat right, I don’t sleep right, I don’t get enough physical activity. My body is royally fuckked up and it’s all my fault for not taking better care of it.
Gee, I really thought I would be dead by now.
If I was a horse, I would've been put out my misery by now.
But my family seems to think otherwise. As Jed Leland said in Citizen Kane, "They've got some dang fool idea about keeping me alive."
A recent measurement of my blood pressure convinced even me into making an appointment to see the doctor.
I’m not sure exactly how blood pressure works but I’ve seen enough medical shows on TV to know that both numbers are not supposed to be triple digits. I called the doctor’s office but I made it a point not to see my regular doctor who has become cranky in his old age. I was more than willing to see any of the other doctors at that practice.
Here’s what the younger doctor had to say: “You’re overweight and you need to exercise.”
Well, duh!
But the doctor was sufficiently alarmed by my blood pressure to seek medicinal relief.
I’m on a prescription for blood pressure medication.
The doctor, bless ‘em, also tried to get me a medicinal leg up on my weight loss with a prescription for a generic version of Ozempic on the basis that I am very close being diabetic.
My insurance will not pay for it because I’m not actually diabetic yet.
Go figure.
So I am making a renewed effort to pull down some pounds the old fashioned way.
Even it feels like my hips are going to break off.
To that end, I'm hooked up with a free app provided through my employer called "Hinge Health" which guides me through a series of exercises to promote better performance in my hips, knees and back. I've been on this program for a week and I can sense some small amount of improvement. It still hurts to walk, stand and sit but just a little bit less.
Anyway, I will not be relying on the medical miracles of big pharma to shed myself of the extra person affixed to my frame.
I'm going to have to do this the long way around.