Monday, September 16, 2019

So Who Is Still Running For President?

Hi there! 

We're taking a moment for a semi-regular check in on who is still running for the Democratic nomination for President. Mainly, the purpose of these posts is to make the case that too damn many people are running for President and most of them need to stop.  

First of all, let's look at who made the cut for this past Thursday's debate.  Out of those ten, who needs to take a hard look at themselves and come to the cold hard realization that there is no way in hell this is going to happen.

Disclaimer: This post is inherently not an endorsement of one candidate over another. There are some people who I subjectively like but objectively see that they have no chance to cinch the Democratic nomination.  

Additional disclaimer: ANYONE mentioned in this post would be an almost infinitely superior President compared to the fat moronic fuck who holds the office now. 


Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro
He came out swinging on Thursday night and scored some hits on Joe Biden's age. But I just don't see Castro gaining and maintaining any kind of serious momentum to move to the front of the pack.  

For now, maybe, he can hang in there but, sooner or later, he will need to stop running for President. Sorry, Julian, my Magic 8 Ball says prospect for the future are not good. 

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J.
I really have been trying to give Booker the benefit of the doubt but he's not got a lot to sell for his candidacy other than "cool black guy for those who miss Obama". 

Booker is a smart guy but he's lacking in that spark that could boost him to top of the dance card for the Democratic nomination. Cory, dude, I've tried to be patient but I think you need to stop running for President.  

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.
Klobuchar's really big moment as a star in the Democratic party was during the Senate confirmation hearings to appoint Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. But as a candidate for President, she has yet to distinguish herself. Her exit from the race to be President is inevitable. 

Andrew Yang
I was listening to an interview with Andrew on the radio and I was impressed by his intelligence and his self deprecating humor. But so far, to a broader audience, he is a curiosity whose only real significant appeal comes from his only defined policy goal of a guaranteed $1,000 a month income. 
He can call it a "freedom dividend" all he likes but the opposition will still call it a government handout. Yang needs to call it a day. He ain't getting nowhere near the nomination or the White House. 

Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-Texas
I've chided Beto for being an empty suit. Oh, he can put on great campaign appearances but he's lacking in any serious weight to what he actually intends to do if he makes it to the Oval Office. 

That being said, I have admired the forthright frankness of his outspoken anger at recent mass shootings and the failure of the government to enact any kind of effective and common sense gun control. But Beto's "Oh hell yeah we're coming for your AR-15s and your AK-47s" is already fodder for GOP and NRA negative ads. Well, I don't care about GOP and NRA negative ads but they will paint Beto to the far left of the Democratic party and will likely hinder any broad base appeal. 

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.
Harris is keenly aware the real enemy is Donald Trump and not her fellow Democratic candidates. I think Harris in a one-on-one with Li'l Donnie would leave him a wimpering, pathetic man-baby. But I don't foresee her getting that chance. 

After several months of campaigning and three debates, I still can't see Harris moving past her current standing in the polls. I still want her to see her take her shot for awhile longer but I see her potential as a Presidential candidate more finite than going the distance.   

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg
Man, I want Mayor Pete to stay in this thing. He speaks truth to power in a smart and thoughtful way. As the only candidate who has actually served active military duty in Afghanistan, Buttigieg has a background that demands we pay serious attention to what he has to say. 

And his own personal story as a gay man married to another man is compelling. It is also why he will never been President of the United States.  If you think the evangelical Christian right were sucking hard on Trump's tiny dick in 2016, put a gay man on the ticket opposite from Trump. 

Which is a damn shame because Pete Buttigieg is a good man who deserves his shot. But sorry, dude, it's not going to happen. Not now. The gay issue aside, I think Buttigieg could use a little more seasoning before truly being ready for the big show. Nonetheless, stay with it for now, Mayor Pete. This ride will not last for long but ride it while you can.   

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.
My assessments of whether Democratic candidates for President should stay or go is pretty much based on who can make the greatest impression on the electorate and who can maintain that momentum for the long haul. Sanders certainly qualifies to stay in the race based solely on the fact that he has made an impression and people know who he is. 

But I still think he needs to go. 

Watching him on Thursday night, it was never more clear to me that Sanders is a parody of himself.  It's like watching Bernie Sanders doing an impression of Larry David doing an impression of Bernie Sanders. Bernie's magic moment came in 2016. Try as he might, even with fairly solid polling numbers, I don't see Sanders truly recapturing that magic now.   

Former Vice President Joe Biden
Just as I said about Sanders, Joe Biden certainly qualifies to stay in the race based solely on the fact that he has made an impression and people know who he is. But also like Sanders, Biden's time is in the past. Even when he's not engaging in yet another gaffe or going off on some weird tangent (Record players? Really?), Biden never seems to be fully invested. 

I think Biden is doing this because he thinks he has to. Donald Trump is a bad guy and only Joe Biden can bring him down. Well, I don't think that's necessarily the case that Biden is our first and best hope to take down Trump. I think there is a fear that to have any hope to siphon off any support from the Trump base will take another old white guy and not a woman or a person of color or (God forbid) both.  For whatever the reason Biden is cast as the savior to deliver us from the valley of the shadow of Donald, I really don't think Joe Biden is up for the job.  

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.
I'm ending this with the person who I think....

Hold on a moment. 

Yes, there are other people besides the 10 from Thursday night's debate and quite frankly, they need to stop running for President, whoever they are. 

Hey, whoever you are (and I care so little, I'm not going to look up your names): You're just adding to the cacophony and the confusion. Quit running for President.  

Now where was I? Oh yeah. 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.
I'm ending this with the person who I think will ultimately lead this thing. She has a remarkable discipline in her messaging that we need to put people before corporations. She never misses a chance to accentuate how any policy discussion, even foreign policy, affects individuals at home and in the work place. 

Warren has a populist pitch that seems to be genuinely populist and focused on real world issues. Trump uses populism as a blunt club, talking up culture wars and fear of others; Warren's populism remains focused policy issues that politicians are supposed to focus on, involving education, trade, health care and more. Warren has a personal story that puts her in the trenches of actual American life.  

I know there are fears of having a woman at the top of the ticket since Trump beat a woman last time in 2016. I think what worked in Trump's favor was less that the Democratic candidate was a woman but that the particular woman in question was Hillary Clinton. I think a woman without decades of poison built up against her is something that Trump should actually be worried about. And I think that woman is Elizabeth Warren.  

I kind of think Sen. Warren like a border collie as shown in the cartoon below.

Thanks for reading. 

Remember to be good to one another.  

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