Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Star Wars: Awaiting the Rise of Skywalker.

So the latest (and presumably last)  trailer for the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker dropped Monday night.   

I am… interested?

Star Wars and I have a complicated relationship.

In the hierarchy of sci-fi franchises, Star Wars brings up the rear behind Star Trek and (of course) Doctor Who. I have never been as invested in the broader mythology of Star Wars like I am with Trek and Who.

I go to see the movies. I enjoy them well enough while I’m watching them but the universe of Star Wars just doesn’t resonate with me beyond the visceral experience of the movies.

I mean, how big of a Star Wars fan can I be when I consider Solo to be my favorite Star Wars movie.

Seriously. I’m not kidding. I really actually genuinely and sincerely enjoyed Solo.

I will confess that I am into Star Wars enough that when the first trailer dropped for The Force Awakens, I most definitely fanboy squeed when Han and Chewie enter the Millennium Falcon while Han says, “Chewie, we’re home.”

But beyond that moment, I’ve not been impressed with the new Star Wars.

I will say I love the character of Rey. I think she has proven to be a worthy successor as the heroic lead of this saga. But so far, her efforts, however powerful and noble, have not been in service to a compelling story.

Kylo Ren is a petulant emo brat, a poor alternative to Darth Vader. 

Poe Dameron, who could’ve been the new generation’s Han Solo, is a disappointment. His actions in The Last Jedi almost put him in the role of the antagonist. 

Flynn, newly escaped from the Stormtroopers, was interesting but verges on being a cypher of little importance. 

In fact, there is a lot that The Last Jedi needs to answer for.

The return of Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker bodes well for providing a sinister foe of incredible power and menace. Maybe this just might be the single menace to unite our disparate crew into a truly effective team, worthy of the legacy of Luke, Han and Leia.

For the loving memory of Carrie Fisher, I hope Leia gets the ending she deserves. 

OK, so maybe I care more than I let on.

Remember to be good to one another. And may the force be with you. 

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