Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Law & Order

Friday while watching Wheel of Fortune, a promo aired for Jeopardy which was coming on next with Ken Jennings chatting with Jeopardy champion Matt Glassman. 

Which was weird because when we left Jeopardy on Thursday, Maureen O'Neill was still champion.


Well, some rascal at the local station ran the wrong promo because yeah, when Jeopardy came on, Maureeen was still there but not for long.  She not only lost but she was shut out of Final Jeopardy in a $3,000 hole.  I don't think I've ever seen a Jeopardy Champion wash out like that. 

So yeah, new champion for Monday and Ken Jenning's is still hosting so I'm good with that.

Friday's episode was Ken's 100th episode of hosting. Look, when you've done 100 of anything, you should just have the job already. 

Speaking of Wheel of Fortune, Pat Sajak got in hot water for being mean to a guest.  A contestant's big story was he had his big toe cut off.  The story was when he was 12 years old, he was riding his bike while wearing flip flops, he fell an accident with that cut off the tip of his big toe. Some passing paramedics got the guy to the hospital where his missing piece of toe was reattached.  Pat said that was a pointless story.  

OK, that was kind of mean but to be fair, I think we were all expecting a more dramatic tale that part of a toe got cut off but was sewn back on and it's all better now.  


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has barreled through 8 episodes but I'm still playing catch up, only up through 4.

Season 4 picks up with Miriam dealing with the fall out of being fired as the opening act for singer Shy Baldwin after her stand up set at the Apollo threatened to out Shy as gay.  

Well, "dealing with" in that she is understandably upset over losing a high profile and high paying gig that among other things allowed Miriam to buy back her fancy big apartment in uptown Manhattan. 

But not "dealing with"  in that she's not really seeing how she put Shy Baldwin in not just a socially awkward position but in a very real and mortally dangerous one as well.  Be outed as a gay black man in American in 1960 is an invitation for all sorts of trouble.  

As much as I love this show for it's humor and rapid fire dialogue, I do have a problem that Miriam Maisel never seems to make any significant sacrifices.  She still lives, dresses and comports herself as she did when she was the young sophisticate wife of a successful man. For all the battles Miriam has to fight to gain acceptance not just in the male dominated stand up comedy in particular and in society in general, we don't see Miriam dealing with the shortfall in income and resources associated with those battles.  She still has the wherewithal to make her much beloved brisket; she's not feeding her kids Spam. 

Miriam's lesson from her being fired by Shy Baldwin's manager is that she should only do gigs where she can be completely herself and the star. Which somehow leads her to becoming the emcee at a strip club.  

Susie dodges a bullet barely, finding funds to replace Miriam's money that Susie lost gambling. Setting fire to her late mother's house gets the money she needs but only after her sister agrees to give the insurance adjustor a blow job.  The things we do for family. And money.  

Try as I might not to peak ahead at episodes 5 through 8, some details have slipped through that suggest that perhaps Miriam will have to deal with some consequences after all.  

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has been renewed for a 5th season which will wind down to a series finale.  


The new and original Law & Order has kind of/sort of righted the ship after the disastrous shit show of the revived series' opener.   

The next two episodes have hewed closer to the beloved formula of random New Yorkers stumble on a crime scene, the detectives chase down leads, the D.A.'s office is ready to prosecute but there's a twist but dammit, the accused is guilty, looks guilty, acts guilty and probably smells guilty and the jury finds the accused guilty. 

Last Thursday, I wanted to reach through the TV and slap that smug kidnapping/murdering son of a bitch so hard! 

I still stand by my original assessment that Det. Frank Cosgrove is the absolute worst character on any television show ever in the history of all of television. 

Well, that's it for the Tuesday TV Touchbase this week. 

Next week, I'll look at the end of Season 4 for Star Trek Discovery and the start of Season 2 of Star Trek Picard.     

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here. 

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