Monday, June 12, 2023

Hatred More Than Money

If the air outside the Fortress of Ineptitude seemed rancid with the stench of flop sweat, failure and bovine manure, it was because that primo bullshit purveyor himself, Donald Trump, was in Greensboro for the North Carolina  Republican Party convention.

Mostly Donald Trump never says anything interesting. The man has the most limited verbal repertoire and can only say the same thing over and over.

  • All investigations are "witch hunts".
  • All investigators are "thugs".
  • All perceived enemies are "deranged". 
  • All anticipated outcomes will "be worst than anyone has ever seen before".  

Blah blah blah. 

I hope for his birthday (Li'l Donnie turned 77), maybe someone would get him a thesaurus?  

But while in Greensboro, Donald Trump made an observation that I have to admit was interesting. 

It all started with this piece of hate mongering fuckery.  

Trump declared that if re-elected as President, "I will 

immediately sign a new executive order to take federal funding away from schools that bring critical race theory and transgender insanity to children."

Trump paused for applause and even he seemed to be taken aback by what happened next.  

The applause began to grow and swell in intensity as those gathered there rose to their feet for an enthusiastic standing ovation. 

Then Trump made this observation which I found interesting. 

“It’s amazing how strongly people feel about that. You see I’m talking about cutting taxes, people go like that,” Trump said while mimicking a golf clap. “I talk about transgender, everyone goes crazy. Who would have thought? Five years ago, you didn’t know what the hell it was.”

I said it was interesting but not necessarily surprising. But Trump seemed genuinely bemused that his political movement is driven more by hatred than money.  

Of course, hatred has been at heart of Trump's political movement since before he came down that escalator in 2015 to announce he was running for President.  

Li'l Donnie is myopic and assumes everyone sees everything the same way he does. All the hate is just a path to all the money that can be made.  

Does Trump underestimate  this movement that hangs on his every word as to how much the hate drives them?  A chance to fuck over a transgender person is a stronger motivator than a tax cut. 

Hatred holds a power greater than money.

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