Monday, April 16, 2018

Supergirl Is Back

After nearly 2 months away, Supergirl is back!

Miss you? Oh yeah!

Absence, it is said, makes the heart grow fonder. But there is risk.  Absence makes the heart realize, hey, I have other things to do with my time. 

Still, I have missed the adventures of my favorite Female Woman of the Opposite Sex of Steel. 

When the hell are people going to find out Samantha Arias is Reign?  For that matter, when the hell is Samantha Arias going to find out she is Reign?  It seems that a single mother who is also CEO of Lena Luthor's corporation who keeps dropping out of sight for whole stretches at a time should have been exposed some time back. I think this thread has played out too long. Just as Supergirl went on its two month exile from the CW schedule, it looked like that thread was finally starting to unravel.

Mon-El's return to National City from the 31st frickin' century and with the Legion of Super Heroes is fraught with all sorts of possibilities but like the Reign storyline, is dragging on a bit. 

What I would like to see is more of Supergirl and Kara Danvers at the center of things. Kara's so-called career as a reporter for CatCo is nearly a non-starter. There are whole episodes that do not even do a check on Kara's life outside of Supergirl. 

I've noticed that Kara's appearances at the DEO alternate almost randomly between her in her Supergirl uniform or dressed as Kara Danvers.  Which seems weird to me. I guess its a way to keep Melissa Benoist from being stuck in the super suit for an entire episode whenever there's no plot points to be followed up on at CatCo or Kara's apartment. 

OK, it seems I'm being nit picky but honestly, I still enjoy Supergirl and I look forward to seeing it return tonight.  

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