Friday, October 23, 2020

Master Debaters: All Bad Things...

 Last night was the 2nd debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. 

I made my case to not watch it. I told my wife, "But Andrea, there are perfectly good reruns of Big Bang Theory over on TBS." 

But Andrea prevailed on our civic duty to be informed citizens. Well, she didn't use those words. It was more along the lines of "We should really watch this." 

Li'l Donnie was better behaved this time. Less yelling, less turning from orange to burnt umber, less interrupting. 

He did do a lot of eye rolls and smirking. 

And lying. Oh my God! So much lying! 

Joe Biden stayed on message, still providing a counterpoint to everything Trump lacks: intelligence, wit, empathy, a plan. 

Joe did accidentally refer to the white supremacist group the Proud Boys as the Poor Boys. 

And I think Joe did himself no favors with the comment that the oil industry will need to be phased out at some point. 

Trump immediately cast those remarks as "shutting down the oil industry right now".  

It's the kind of thing that gives unneeded fuel to the fire Trump keeps stoking that Biden is a closet socialist.  

Other than that, Biden was made a case that he's not a far left icon of the Democratic Party. 

“This guy ― he thinks he’s running against somebody else. He’s running against Joe Biden."  

Li'l Donnie did try work in Hunter Biden, insinuating that money Hunter received for his board position with the Ukraine gas company made it's way to Joe. 

Joe Biden not only emphatically shut that down but the topic of foreign financial influence gave Biden his opening to attack Trump on the same subject.  

Whatever tempest in a teapot Trump tried to stir up over whatever damn thing or another that Hunter Biden is or is not involved with faded as Biden kept a laser focus on issues of management of the pandemic, health care and the economy. 

There was a telling exchange which underscores Trump's greatest weakness against Biden. 

Biden said, "It’s not about my family or his family, it’s about your family. We should be talking about your family. But that’s the last thing he wants to talk about.”

Trump's reply to that: “That’s a typical politician statement. I’m not a typical politician.”

So Trump dismisses Biden's statement as being a "typical political" thing. In short, Trump would rather rag on Joe about some fanciful conspiracy theory centered around Hunter Biden than talk about what is important to American families? 

This just underscores Trump's lack of empathy compared to Biden's expressions of concern.  

Time and time again, Biden hammered home the cold reality of a quarter of a million people dead from COVID-19, the millions who are out of work and without insurance and the millions who will lose coverage for pre-existing conditions if Trump's lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act is successful in the Supreme Court.

Trump once again had nothing on health care. He tried to promote the repeal of the mandate requirement of the ACA as some kind of big win but after four years still cannot offer a specific plan of his own for health care, particularly providing for coverage of pre-existing conditions.   

Donald Trump said this: "The rules protecting people with preexisting conditions will always stay." 

What the fuck is he talking about? The only "rules protecting people with preexisting conditions" are within the ACA. If the Supreme Court sides with Trump's lawsuit to overturn the ACA, then the ACA is gone and gone with it are the "rules protecting people with preexisting conditions."  

NBC News’ Kristen Welker was the debate moderator who did a pretty good job at keeping the debate on track; it helped the rules allowed her to mute the microphone of anyone speaking out of turn.  

Trump even took a moment to compliment Ms. Welker on her handling of the debate. 

I fully expect that Trump will be on Twitter with a different harsher assessment of Ms. Welker and the whole debate. 

Well, the good news is we don't have to go through this again. All bad things (much like good things) must end.

We're in the finally countdown measured in mere days when the American people will speak and hopefully enough Americans of wisdom and empathy will make the right choice and show Donald Trump the damn door out of our house once and for all. 

I can't take any more of the lies, the uncaring attitude, the stupidity, the disregard for laws and our institutions. 

I'm tired of always feeling anxious and depressed and worried with this blithering idiot in the White House. 


Sick of political posts? Well, I'm sure as hell tired of 'em! 

Coming up...

Later today: a comic book themed post. The Joker's solo series from 1975.

Saturday: Songs For Saturday features music from the Breeders.

Sunday: For Cinema Sunday, a look at both the Addams Family movie from 1991 and it's sequel.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.

And VOTE! 

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