Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Good Ol' Fashioned Sex Scandal

 Here in North Carolina, Democrat Cal Cunningham is looking to unseat our current Republican Senator Thom Tillis. Like the rest of the GOP in the United States Senate, Tillis has his lips super glued to Donald Trump's fat ass, basically rubber stamping whatever makes Li'l Donnie feel good about himself. 

Cunningham has been making some headway with yoking Tillis to every bad thing associated with Trump with recent polling showing success for Cunningham's strategy. It looks like Cal Cunningham has a shot at turning a red Senate seat to blue. 

Cunningham has focused a lot of his message on health care concerns, about protecting and expanding the Affordable Care Act and reducing drug prices and "Would make my day to roll over and kiss you right now" and...

Wait! What? 

"Would make my day to roll over and kiss you right now" is a text that Cal Cunningham sent to his...

#1) wife? 

#2) woman who is not his wife? 

If you picked option #2, you are correct and congratulations, we have ourselves a good ol' fashioned sex scandal! 

Well, it's been awhile. Seems almost quaint.  

The other woman in question is Cunningham's public relations strategist Arlene Todd Guzman. 

Damned if North Carolina hasn't been through this before.

Democratic Senator and presidential wannabe John Edwards was busted for getting busy with a woman who wasn't his wife while said wife was sick with cancer! Damn that's cold, bro!

And because history seems doomed to repeat itself, Edward's dalliance was also with a campaign staffer involved with public relations.   

Edwards' pitch was a man of the people working against Republicans more concerned with corporations than people. 

Boy, North Carolina just has the worst taste in men. We're stuck with men who care more for business than our feelings and when we think we've found a nice guy who (choke!) actually cares about (sob!)... cares about OUR feelings for a change, they (choke!) cheat on us! (uncontrolled sobbing).

The question is how much will our good ol' fashioned sex scandal make an impact.

Thom Tillis, a major Trump ass kisser, is currently paying for his ass-kissery with a positive diagnosis for COVID-19 because Tillis attended Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee event sans mask and sans social distancing. Tillis is for the time being off the active campaign trail. 

And the coronavirus pandemic is a big deal here in North Carolina with thousands sick and dead, a lot of people out of work due to pandemic shut downs and a lot of those people without insurance because Tillis, when he was in the NC state house, voted against the Medicaid expansion available under the ACA. 

Thom Tillis is damaged goods. 

And compared to the damage to norms of politics, civility and simple human decency that has been perpetrated by Donald Trump, all with Tillis' acquiescence, what pray tell is a little good ol' fashioned sex scandal! 

We have an asshole in the White House who cheated on his wife with a porn star he paid hush money too. 

"Would make my day to roll over and kiss you right now" seems pale in comparison.

It is still wrong, mind you.  

Here is Cal Cunningham's statement on this matter. 

"I have hurt my family, disappointed my friends, and am deeply sorry. The first step in repairing those relationships is taking complete responsibility, which I do. I ask that my family’s privacy be respected in this personal matter."

"I remain grateful and humbled by the ongoing support that North Carolinians have extended in this campaign, and in the remaining weeks before this election I will continue to work to earn the opportunity to fight for the people of our state."

By the way, in case you're wondering how all this came to light,  screenshots of the text messages were posted online by the right-wing website 

After the texts were confirmed by the News & Observer of Raleigh, N.C., Cunningham's campaign also confirmed the authenticity of the text messages. 

Cunningham is also being investigated the U.S. Army Reserve. As an army reservist, Cunningham is subject to the military's prohibitions against "adultery and other activities that it says are detrimental to the 'good order and discipline in the armed forces” or bring discredit to the armed forces'."

Well, that's not a good thing, is it? 

So we appear to have ourselves a good ol' fashioned sex scandal. But will it matter?

The first statewide poll conducted since the scandal broke shows Democratic voters perturbed by Cunningham's dalliance outside his marriage but are for the moment maintaining their support for him over Tillis.   

Tara Hackett of Asheville put it this way: "It’s a complete and utter annoyance. But we’ve got bigger fish to fry. We’ve got way too much riding on this race.”

With this kind of reaction in mind, I've seen the first Tillis ad referencing the scandal. The ad takes issue not with the transgression itself but for Cunningham keeping it quiet. "What else is Cal Cunningham hiding from us?" 

Once more, we're dealing with a man who has, on one hand, a chance to become a US Senator and help shape the political destiny of this nation in a fundamental way.

Or, on the other hand, it "would make my day to roll over and kiss you right now".

C'mon, dude! Really? 


Man, I am sorry for all the political posts and yes, another one will be coming later today.

I'm sure Wednesday night's debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris will require comment for posterity.

Until next time, stay safe, be good to one another and it would make my day to roll over and... eww! No! NO! 

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