Friday, October 2, 2020

The Trumps Have Coronavirus. Now What?

It was late last night that the news broke: Donald and Melania Trump have the coronavirus.  

There was much rejoicing on Twitter in the wee hours. At last this incredibly stupid man who has done so much to undermine any sane, coherent strategy of fighting the coronavirus leading to the deaths over 200,000 Americans has finally caught the damn thing himself. 

I joined in the fun myself, posting this graphic on my Twitter feed. 

So the lying, incompetent fat fuck has tested positive for coronavirus. 

Now what? 

So now... nothing? Maybe? 

Look, testing positive for the disease and having the disease are two different things. If Trump comes out of this asymptomatic, the battle to contain and eliminate the coronavirus could be imperiled. 

"See? I got the coronavirus and nothing happened! I told you we didn't need to shut down schools and restaurants! I told you it was a hoax!"  

But what if coronavirus swings the other way? What if Donald Trump gets really sick? 

Well, we can be judgemental! Serves him right, the uncaring bastard! Over 200,000 dead so it's about damn time he faced some kind of consequence for his willful ignorance and unforgivable incompetence. 

And Trump's political power comes from a cult of personality, there is no telling how his base of supporters will react. 

Given their propensity for rage and paranoia, I'm gonna guess "not well" is how they would react.  

I can already predict the QANON conspiracy, that Trump getting COVID 19 was a hit job perpetrated by Joe Biden at Tuesday's debate.  And yes, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros will all be in on it. 

These right wing conspiracies can just write themselves.  

So now what? It's anyone's guess. 

Donald Trump is notoriously lacking in empathy and object permanence. If something isn't happening to him, then it isn't happening. Which is how Trump has been so dismissive of a pandemic that is closing in on an American death toll of a quarter million lives. Now that Li'l Donnie has an actual encounter with the coronavirus, will a personal threat to his health and mortality change his way of thinking? 

I kind of doubt it.


Posts for Songs For Saturday and Cinema Sunday are set to go and will appear as scheduled. 

I will pick up this thread on Monday.

Stay safe and remember to be good to one another.  

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