Thursday, October 22, 2020

You Dumb Bastards

At a recent rally in Arizona, in front of hundreds of supporters, packed in close together, many not wearing masks, Donald Trump had this to say:  

"They’re getting tired of the pandemic, aren’t they? You turn on CNN, that’s all they cover. COVID, COVID, pandemic, COVID, COVID, COVID… You know why? They’re trying to talk everybody out of voting. People aren’t buying it, CNN. You dumb bastards."

I'm going to let one of the "dumb bastards" at CNN take this one.

Brianna Keilar, you have the floor.   

“There are 220,417 reasons to talk about coronavirus. There are nearly 60,000 cases per day in the U.S. and rising,” she continued. “The person whose response failed on most objective measures is not fixing his government’s approach to the crisis. Instead, he is suggesting we just ignore it.”

“A president is supposed to come in and show leadership that can help Americans push through when they’re already spent. Instead, he’s talked more in the past 24 hours about Anthony Fauci’s pitching arm than any of the victims... who are suffering and struggling. This is why we cover COVID. And until these numbers... slow down, we’re not going to stop.” 

One of the reasons I keep this blog is I don't want to forget what we're up against. There may be some attempts to re-write history, to make light of just how bad Donald Trump was for this country.

In the middle of a pandemic that has killed nearly a quarter of a million Americans, Trump's concern is not for "any of the victims... who are suffering and struggling" but for the coverage the pandemic gets on CNN and how that coverage is impacting him. 

Donald Trump thinks CNN's purpose for covering the COVID-19 pandemic is "to talk everybody out of voting"? NO! 

CNN is covering the pandemic because it is newsworthy. People are dying from this virus. People are sick from this virus. People are out of work because of this virus. 

The reason coverage of the pandemic is important is that the people that the president is supposed to serve are impacted by it in fundamental, life altering ways. Leave it to Donald Trump to think CNN's pandemic coverage is designed to make his life miserable. 

This kind of thinking is the root of the great tragedy of the Donald Trump presidency. Trump has failed to grasp from day one that being president is not about the person who holds the office but about the people that person is there to serve. Trump calls CNN "dumb bastards" for covering a pandemic that negatively affects millions of people because it might hurt the re-election of chances of one man.  

That Trump doesn't seem to understand why that is wrong makes him the "dumb bastard".   


Speaking of the dumb bastard, tonight is the 2nd debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. To hopefully avoid the debacle of the first debate, the debate commission has OK'd the moderator to mute the microphone of whichever candidate talks over another. 

Li'l Donnie ain't gonna like that.

I'll have a "Master Debaters" post up sometime tomorrow. 

contends with
a DUMB BASTARD on his back

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