Monday, October 19, 2020

Too Stupid To Live! The Sequel

 Back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, I did a post called Too Stupid To Live!

The point of the post was to mark the three year anniversary for when "enough people looked at a fat buffoon of a con man with zero human empathy and limited intellect and decided yeah, he would make a great President of the United States."

The theme of that post, "too stupid to live" was derived from one of my all time favorite episodes of Cheers when Rebecca Howe finds out the man she is in love with has been using her as a pawn in some big dollar corporate crime and Rebecca plaintively realizes...


Some fine comedic acting from Kirstie Alley in that moment.

But maybe it isn't all acting? 

She posted this on Twitter this weekend and I responded by having Past Kristie remind Current Kristie of something important. 


Others on Twitter tried to make a cogent case for Kristie's position vis a vie Donald Trump did not make sense. 

  • Craig Rozniecki@CraigRozniecki
  • Replying to @kirstiealley and @realDonaldTrump
  • Would you seek surgery from a person because they were not a doctor? ...and then seek this person again 4 years later after the first surgery failed? Trump was handed a strong economy and crashed it. It's literal insanity to think he won't do it again.

  • Leona Lioness@LeonaLioness6
  • Replying to @kirstiealley and @realDonaldTrump
  • He gets nothing done. He sucks as a president & a businessman. He's running the country into the ground like he did with his businesses.

Others were less patient.

  • lantenengo@lantenengo
  • Replying to @kirstiealley and @realDonaldTrump
  • If you're waiting for dum donny to fix the problems he created, you're a special kind of stupid.

  • Marina Sirtis@Marina_Sirtis
  • Replying to @kirstiealley and @realDonaldTrump
  • You are now dead to me.
Kirstie played Saavik in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. She just got slammed by a fellow Trek actor.  

  • Linda Childers@lindarchilders
  • Replying to @kirstiealley and @realDonaldTrump
  • You’re right, he’s not a politician, he’s also not a president. He’s a former D-list reality show host and a con. Woman facepalming.

Kirstie Alley's already questionable alliance with Scientology should've primed us for this latest questionable support for Donald Trump. 

  • Devin Nunes’ cow Cow face@DevinCow
  • Replying to @kirstiealley and @realDonaldTrump
  • So you belong to two cults. Gotcha.

  • Justin Satzman@jsatz23
  • Replying to @kirstiealley and @realDonaldTrump
  • Imagine if joining scientology wasn’t even your biggest mistake. 

Look, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But if your opinion, Kirstie, is that Donald Trump deserves a 2nd term because he gets things done, well, maybe it's best if you explain it to you.


By the way, Kirstie, we don't need you to bring more stupid to Trump world. Stupid flows to overabundance from the Li'l Donnie himself.

Get a load of this latest shit from Donald Trump. 

What the fuck? Really?  

Ok, Donald, you are "they"? Blowing up Mt. Rushmore? Really? 

You know for a guy who is allegedly president of the United States, doesn't he have enough real shit on his plate to contend with without making up shit? 

If any any yahoos are out there eating this up and believing this bullshit, well...

And say it along with Kirstie: 


Ken Levine, long time writer for Cheers, weighs in on Kirstie Alley's tweet on his blog. Click here for that

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