Monday, October 5, 2020

The Trump Covid 19 Orbit

The list of who is now testing positive for Covid 19 in Donald Trump's orbit keeps getting longer. Including Li'l Donnie himself, here are all the people tested positive for the coronavirus so far.  

  • Donald Trump
  • Melania Trump 
  • Hope Hicks
  • Sen. Thom Tillis 
  • Sen. Mike Lee
  • Se. Ron Johnson
  • Kellyanne Conway
  • Bill Stepien
  • Ronna McDaniel
  • Chris Christie
  • Nicholas Luna 
  • The Rev. John Jenkins

There is some evidence to suggest that the instigating event for Trump's infection and it's subsequent spread was the event on Saturday, September 26th announcing Trump's new nominee for the Supreme Court.  

Here is a snapshot of the crowd gathered for Trump's announcement.

Please notice there is no social distancing and only a parcity of those in attendance were wearing a mask.  

Who knew what and when? Click here for the article on for some disturbing details on the time line of Donald Trump's various interactions since September 26th. 

I was wondering how Trump's base would react to the news of  Donald Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis. It seems standard operating procedures still apply:

  • Blame others
  • Accuse the left of behaving badly
  • Kiss Trump's ass even harder

Commentators pointing out Trump’s borderline obesity and age, which raise the risk of serious infection, were accused by conservatives of celebrating Trump's illness. 

Sen. Kelly Loeffler tweeted that China “gave this virus” to Donald and Melania Trump, demanding “WE MUST HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.”

Some in MAGA World concocted theories that the Democrats were, somehow, trying to steal the election once again.

DeAnna Lorraine, a former congressional candidate: “Does anyone else find it odd that no prominent Democrats have had the virus while the list of Republicans goes on and on?” 

Hey, does anyone else find it odd that DeAnna Lorraine is fucking moron? Maybe the list of infected Republicans goes on and on because the the list of Republicans taking a shit on social distancing and mask wearing goes on and on! 

Some conspiracy theorists speculate there is a secret message  from Trump in his tweet on Friday in the use of the word “together”. Translation for the nutcases out there: this is code for “to get her,” a reference to attacks on his 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton.

Paranoia runs deep in these intellectually stagnant waters. 

Others on the right predicted a good outcome because Donald Trump is just so damn healthy and tough as hell.

Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow: "He works 20 hours a day. I think he’ll be tough. He's a fighter. It'll be tough to keep him down.”

While at Walter Reed Hospital, Donald Trump posed sitting at a table apparently (as Ivanka put it) still working for the American people. The paper in front of him is blank; the pen in his hand is a sharpie.  This constant right wing myth that Trump is always working is so utter bullshit. Unless you count being glued to Fox News and always on Twitter as work. 

Dr. David Samadi, a urologist and commentator for Fox News and the conservative Newsmax outlet, pointed out that while COVID-19 patients over the age of 70 had a 94.6 percent recovery rate, patients ages 24 to 49 had a 99.8 percent recovery rate. “I would put POTUS in the 20-49 category due to his strength and stamina." 

Strength and stamina? The closest we ever get see Donald Trump exerting anything resembling strength and stamina is at those goddam circle jerk rallies where the act of ranting makes him flushed and sweaty. Talking loudly tires him out! Strength and stamina, my ass! 

By the way, the doctors treating Trump at Walter Reed might be pulling their punches about what the hell is going on with Li'l Donnie with conflicting answers designed to side step any revelations about the severity of Trump's infection.  

My favorite over the top extolling of Trump's physical superiority is this one: 

Radio host Brenden Dilley: You’ve never seen him sick. You’ve never seen him without energy. [He’s] not walking around with weak-ass, p---- f------ genetics. He ain’t got those liberal genes. These are, like, god-tier genetics; top 1-percentile genetics.”

Jesus but the Trump train is loaded with crazy people.  

Meanwhile, those who have extended best wishes for Donald Trump's recovery include Joe Biden and Stephen Colbert, trying to take a high road approach.

God bless 'em for trying but you damn well know that if Biden were in the hospital right now for anything, Donald Trump would be slinging around the insults about "Sleepy Joe" left and right. 

I want to take the high road too. I have been for most of my life of the opinion that whoever is the President of the United States, whether I voted for them or not, whether I like them or not, deserves the respect of the office. I believed that until Donald Trump continually and emphatically shredded the norms not just of the presidency or the ideals of what it means to be American but he has completely eviscerated the concept of being a decent human being. 

After four years, month after month, week after week, day after day of watching Donald Trump repeatedly defy the ideals of being a decent human being and now, NOW I am supposed to feel sorry for this motherfucker now that he's sick with the very disease that has already killed over 200,000 Americans that he quite frankly hasn't given a damn about?!?! 

NOW I'm supposed to care if he lives or dies?

If Donald Trump dies, that just one more damn time that he will avoid the consequences for his actions. Personally, I hope Donald Trump recovers from the coronavirus. I want him to be alive when the American people vote his ass out of our house in November.  

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