Thursday, September 12, 2024

John Cassady

Well, son of a bitch, this sucks! 

At only age 52, comic book artist John Cassady has died. 

The wrong people keep dying. 

I first became aware of Cassady's work when I picked up the first trade collection of Planetary with writer Warren Ellis about a group of inter-dimensional archaeologists.   Ellis was writing some weird shit and Cassady more than kept pace with some dynamic visuals.  

Cassady would go on to illustrate a  2 year run of X-Men with Joss Whedon.   

And John Cassady was the artist who teamed up with writer Jason Aaron when the Star Wars comic book license returned to Marvel.    

But of all the projects that John Cassady applied his considerable talents to, Planetary remains my favorite.  

I can't believe John Cassady was done with us just yet and this feels terribly unfair that a person of such incredible talent and imagination should be taken from us too soon.

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