Thursday, May 19, 2022

Doctor Who: Unexpected Returns

While the swan song for Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall is a few months away, all eyes in the Doctor Who universe are looking beyond that into next year and the much anticipated 60th anniversary special and the return of Russell T Davies as head writer and show runner.

And who else is coming back?

Would you believe...?

David Tennant and Catherine Tate?!?!?

For reals, Whovians! Not a rumor but actual confirmed fact. Both have been seen on location with the TARDIS! 

And RTD has confirmed their return as well. 

Also seen on set? Bernard Cribbins! Old Wilf himself! 

Also returning to Doctor Who?  Rachel Talalay, arguably the best damn director of Doctor Who!  

Any news on anyone new coming to the show? Yasmin Finney is joining the cast of “Doctor Who” as a character named Rose, BBC announced Monday.  

Rose? Really? You guess is as good as mine. 

Finney is a fan-favorite on the hit Netflix series “Heartstopper" which I've never heard of until now. 

So what in the holy frickin' name of Rassilon is going on here? 

The TARDIS seen on the set with David Tennant is the one from Jodie's era, with white lettering on black sign on the front. 

Also David is not wearing one of his Doctor outfits from his time on the show. Oh, it's very Doctor-ish with a suit and tie matched up to a long overcoat but it's not the blue or brown pinstripe he wore during his time on the show and the over coat is a metallic grey and not the long flowing brown one he used to favor. 

I have thoughts. 

RTD is leaning into a multi-verse thing, a visit from a Doctor and Donna who never stopped travelling together. And Yasmin Finney's Rose could be from another universe?   

Evil twin? Or the Master regenerates and decides to wear one of the Doctor's old faces? 

Here's my wildest idea: Jodie regenerates but instead of the re-set rejuventating her to her Jodie look before she regenerates into Ncuti Gatwa, the reset kicks the Doctor back to the 10th Doctor.

And as the reset settles down and the Doctor morphs back into the 11th Doctor and the 12 Doctor and back to #13 before moving on to the 14th Doctor.  

Cool idea, I think but doesn't explain what Donna is doing there. 

There is a lot of excited chatter over the future of Doctor Who. Sadly, it's not directed to the near future of what happens to the 13th Doctor this fall but what is going to happen a year after that.   

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