Monday, November 20, 2023

Doctor Who Is NEW!: Destination Skaro

Hello! I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You presents the return of this blog's longest recurring feature, Doctor Who Is NEW! 

When I was a younger blogger who did not know what I was doing, I started this blog 10 years ago and I posted the first ever Doctor Who Is NEW!  on March 30, 2013.

Today I am an older blogger who still does not know what I am doing and we've got NEW Doctor Who to talk about.

And actually look at! 

(Warning: this link is actually up to the good graces of the BBC, Disney+ and You Tube.) 

It's only 5 minutes long so don't pop out for snacks or anything. 

The Doctor on Skaro at the "Genesis of the Daleks"?! Sweet!

(And maybe all we get of the Daleks for awhile. Russell says the Daleks will be a getting a bit of a rest for a bit.)   

Damn! David Tennant has still got it! (Not there was any doubt, am I right?) 

So THAT is why Daleks have a plunger instead of something more useful like a "multi-claw adaptable thingamajig."

Davros' assistant Castavillian (loving that name) trying to workshop what to call this new forerunner of the Kaled race.

  •  Lekad?
  •  Adlek?
  •  Klade?
  •  Edlka?
  •  Edlak?

Somehow avoiding the obvious name "Dalek".  

The Doctor accidentally names them. (And he won't see penny of any royalties either!)  

We do get some retcon stuff with a different Davros, ambulatory and dressed in WWII Nazi black.  Russell Davies explains why the difference in the launch of a new behind the scenes series. For those of who miss the behind the scenes fun of Doctor Who Confidential, we now have Doctor Who Unleashed

You can watch it below if the BBC, Disney+ and You Tube remain benevolent.  

I get where Davies is coming from seeking to negate the "disabled = evil" trope that has been a thing at least since Shakespeare's Richard III.  

But I've also thought the scarred flesh and gnarled fingers of Davros owed to his evil obsessions, his unrelenting ego that pushed him beyond his breaking point. The decrepit physical state of classic Davros is a reflection of his own inner decay of his mind and his soul. 

I appreciate Davis striking a blow against negative stereotypes of the disabled but I'm not sure if we needed to start with Davros. 

But it does send a clear message that Russell T Davies' new Doctor Who is not like what we've seen before. 

We'll be back next week with another installment of Doctor Who Is NEW!  as we reflect on the 1st of the three 60th anniversary Doctor Who specials, The Star Beast

More Doctor Who stuff on the blog: 

In keeping with the blog's November Nineties theme, I've got a post this Wednesday that looks at Doctor Who in the 1990's. 

It was not an easy decade for Whovians but we kept the dream alive. 

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.

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