Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Code In My Node

Another couple of days o' blogging missed? 


Sundays and Mondays are just not good for the ol' blogging game it would seem. 

Last week I tried to blame not blogging on my daughter visiting from college which really wasn't fair. 

This week, I had a code in my node. 

OK, that's a cold in my nose.

And in my chest. A terrible, wheezing cough that just wouldn't quit. 

And aches EVERYWHERE! 

And yes, as per previous illnesses, my face hurt! 




I had a cold. 

It was a bad cold.

It was a bad, terrible, not very good, extremely awful, horrible cold.

It was one of those colds that if you said that I either was going to get well or it would kill me, I would consider those very good odds. 

I am a complete wuss.

As I type this, the worst of it seems to be behind me. But I'm not well yet. 

Just better enough to drag my butt back to work.  

And I am so glad my suffering amuses you. 

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