Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Requiem For a Bad Blogger

Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!
Oh boy!  A couple of days of NO posting? I’ve been a bad blogger.
I’m going to blame my daughter.
Randie was home at the Fortress of Ineptitude for her fall break from college.
Which really had zero impact on my time to write a blog post.
But I’m gonna blame her anyway.
Look, if Li’l Donnie Trump can blame his Ukraine phoned call on Rick Perry, then I can blame Randie for interfering with this blog.
OK, am I taking life lessons from Trump now? No!
So all right, it’s not Randie’s fault.
I’ve just been a bad blogger. 
Coming up on the blog…
  • Part 4 of my series on M*A*S*H.  (Will it ever end?)

  • My review of Abominable.
  • Thoughts on the new Star Trek: Picard trailer.

  • A look at the debut of Batwoman and the season premier of Supergirl.

  • And try as I might not to (and I do try, honestly I do), there will be an inevitable Trump post. (Sorry about that.)
I’ll try to be a less bad blogger.
Remember to be good to one another.  

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