Saturday, October 19, 2019

Well, It’s Saturday.

Did we miss Friday?


Looks like we did.

Well, it’s Saturday.



It was Friday a week ago that the sickness began to fall upon me.


It started off slow with a vague sense of body aches topped off with a fistful of hurt for my face; and it began to grow as other symptoms made themselves known with a persistent hacking cough pounding in futility at the congestion in my chest. I was in the grip of a good ol’ case of bronchitis. 




I missed work Monday and Tuesday. I was able to work the rest of the week but I did so from home, here at the Fortress of Ineptitude.


I’m not a big fan of working from home for the most part. Home is where my  bed is and I ever so much long for a good long nap. But even though I was well enough to work, I was still had a hacking cough like a pack a day smoker. I presume no one at my office wanted to hear any of that.  


As I write this, the cough is admittedly less frequent and I’m more than a little edgy with cabin fever with my continual exile here at the Fortress.


And maybe, just maybe, I can string more than a couple of words together on a blog post that’s not about my health or lack thereof.


I think tomorrow I’ll finally finish the series on M*A*S*H.


From there, who knows.


Remember to be good to one another.   

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