Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Hope For Thanksgiving Day

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.


If you are gathering with your extended family for a Thanksgiving meal, you will likely be in the company of at least one person who will be elderly and/or very religious.


Yay, you will walk in the valley of the shadow of the Trump supporter. 


In general, the elderly and the very religious are all in with supporting Donald Trump. A steady diet of Fox News with anger fueled diatribes from Hannity, Ingraham and Carlson have made sure that the elderly and the very religious have their anger stoked to a conflagration of grievances that Donald Trump, “chosen by God” (to quote Rick Perry), is being brutally and harshly persecuted. 


Maybe the elderly and/or the very religious in your family have managed to hold their tongues during previous family gatherings.


But with impeachment on the table, this year may be different.


You may be tempted to engage with these elderly and/or very religious persons.


You might think you have facts on your side.


You may think you have truth and justice and the goddam US Constitution on your side.


Please do not engage. You will not win this fight.


These elderly and/or very religious persons will be armed with every conspiracy theory propagated by Donald Trump, Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan and the echo chamber of Fox News and it will not matter than all of these conspiracies will have long since been invalidated.

it will be hard to resist. But please remember the wisdom of Bill Murray: It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.”


Here’s hoping for a Happy Thanksgiving. May mouths being filled with food and not political bile.

And any complaining is reserved to how much the Dallas Cowboys suck!

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