Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Fortress of Ineptitude Is Under Attack!

If it's not one damn thing around here at the Fortress of Ineptitude, it's another.

The fortress needs a new roof.
We sustained some hail damage to our roof at some point. Well, enough for our insurance company to pay for most of replacing.

The roof is old and needed replacing for years. I know this because my father in law, bless him, has asked for years when am I going to replace out roof.  

We're using his roof guy who replaced his roof as well as the roof of my brother in law's house. Neither of my in-laws are suckers and the roof guy seems like a decent guy.

The cable went out.
We have out internet and cable through AT&T U-Verse which is OK. My wife Andrea (and my daughter Randie when she's home) complains that the internet is too slow. It works fine for me. 

But one night two weeks ago, the cable just stopped working. After watching The Good Place, we flipped over to X-Box to get to You Tube to catch up on Seth Meyers' A Closer Look. When I came back to cable some 20 minutes later, it was just... gone. 

A call to customer service was unable to arrive at a conclusion as to what happened to the cable other than I needed a new box. AT&T shipped us a new box which we received a day later. 

It was a simple matter to unplug the old box and plug in the new box.

OK, I'm lying. 

It should've been simple. But there's a mass of wires behind the TV covered in dust. It was a frustrating experience filled with much anger and cursing. 

All to just unplug the old box and plug in the new box.

The fortress is on fire.
Well, not it's not but our security system kept telling us it was. 

ADT sent out a guy. "Oh, I see the problem. Your security system is set for evil!" 

OK, not exactly. But he found a problem in the control box, fixed and that was the end of that problem.

Until the fire alarm went off again the next day. 

With no fire. 

ADT sent out another guy. He was openly incredulous about what exactly did the first ADT guy do. "Well," I said, "he told us our security system was set for evil!" 

So this ADT guy figure out the problem was not with the master control box but with the fire detectors themselves. He checked his box of parts and discovered he did not have the parts. 

It seems its been so long since our security system was installed, ADT is no longer using steam powered parts.  

He came back a few days later with new parts to fix the fire detectors which somehow shorted out the control panels for the security system. 

So nothing worked.

Then we got new control panels. 

So far, so good. I think. I'm still wary.  

We have ants. So far, only in the master bathroom. 

We've cleaned, sprayed and caulked and the ants still persist in their invasion of the master bathroom.  

I wouldn't mind so much but they're using up all the hot water. 

At least they're only in one place in the fortress...

Oh, great! They're in the blog now! 

And I'm so glad my suffering amuses you.  

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