Monday, November 11, 2019

Doctor Who: Watch This Space 2 (Electric Boogaloo)

We have another "Watch this space" Doctor Who teaser. 

Click here for the clip in all its vague but dynamic glory. 

The clip tells us nothing other than "Watch this space" and "Coming soon". 

The social media messages that sent out the clip gave us a bit more.

"Make Space... 11.23.19". 

November 23 is a significant date in Doctor Who history. It was on this date 56 years ago when Doctor Who first premiered.  

It is also on 12 days away so anyone getting excited that we're getting an actual episode or special should probably put that out of their mind.  The BBC, BBC America and other outlets that carry Doctor Who around the world would want more time to promote such a momentous event. 

More likely on November 23, 2019, we're just going to get another teaser with the actual date of the debut of Series 12.

If we're really lucky, we might actually get  a proper trailer to accompany that debut date information. But knowing how much Chris Chibnall likes to play his cards close to his chest, probably not.)  

There are some rumors floating around that Doctor Who might start up with a special to air on Christmas or New Year's Day before the actual beginning of Series 12.  

On that point, I'm thinking it's not likely.  

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