Monday, April 6, 2020

Doctor Who: Why No Ducks In the Duck Pond?

During the quarantine for the coranvirus pandemic, there have been a number of Doctor Who rewatch parties where Whovians all over the world agree to watch  a specific Doctor Who episode at the same time and everyone follows along on Twitter.

On Friday, the world got "together" to watch "The Eleventh Hour", Matt Smith's first episode as the Doctor.  The newly regenerated Doctor is with Amy Pond trying to save the world from destruction (again!) with few or no resources and he's trying to take stock of where he is.

So we get this exchange.

DOCTOR: What is this place? Where am I? 

AMY: Leadworth. 
DOCTOR: Where's the rest of it? 
AMY: This is it. 
DOCTOR: Is there an airport? 
AMY: No. 
DOCTOR: A nuclear power station? 
AMY: No. 
DOCTOR: Even a little one? 
AMY: No. 
DOCTOR: Nearest city? 
AMY: Gloucester. Half an hour by car. 
DOCTOR: We don't have half an hour. Do we have a car? 
AMY: No. 
DOCTOR: Well, that's good. Fantastic, that is. Twenty minutes to save the world and I've got a post office. And it's shut. What is that? 
AMY: It's a duck pond. 
DOCTOR: Why aren't there any ducks? 
AMY: I don't know. There's never any ducks. 
DOCTOR: Then how do you know it's a duck pond? 
AMY: It just is. Is it important, the duck pond? 

Why are there no ducks in the duck pond?

On Twitter, Doctor Longscarf ponders this question and the importance of the duck pond.

Please note that I, Dave-El, provide an insight as to why there are no ducks in the duck pond.

Why are there no ducks in the duck pond?

The ducks vanished into the quack of the universe!


You know, like the crack in the universe that keeps popping up during the course of the season. That makes things vanish. But it's ducks that have vanished. So instead of a crack, I says it's a...


...a quack! Get it?


Oh, c'mon! That's clever!


Well, it is!


These re-watch parties seem like fun but they always happen on week days while Andrea and I are at work. (I still sneak peeks at my Twitter now and again.)

The next one is on a Saturday, April 11th and the episode this time will be The Doctor's Wife with Neil Gaiman himself following along on Twitter. Oh that's gonna be so much fun and Andrea and I will be sure to follow along.  

Until next time, stay safe and remember to be good to one another.

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