Hi there! Dave-El reporting
from the heart of the Fortress of Ineptitude, home to my family.
It is also the office for a project
manager for a financial services company.
It is also the customer service
call center for a major medical services provider.
It is also the classroom for
a major university.
My wife Andrea, my daughter
Randie and myself spend the day at our respective obligations in various corners
of the Fortress of Ineptitude, focused
on our work or our studies.
Then we go home by walking
mere feet from our respective work areas to the comforts of our sofa or our beds.
Sometimes at work, I might be
feeling a bit stressed and I just want to go home. Then I look up my computer
monitor and realize, oh right, I’m already there.
I realize my petty observations
about the vagaries of working from home pale in comparison to what’s going on
in the world during life in the time of pandemic.
We are in the shit now.
We have more cases of coronavirus
than China had. And the death toll for COVID-19 is rising.
Well, if we can keep the death
toll at 100,000, we’re doing OK.
That was Donald Trump’s lowering
of the bar of what will constitute a good job.
Every day, Trump pisses me
off as I sit here and stew in my house-slash-office-slash-prison.
Last Friday, Randie and I
ventured out for what may be our last visit to Acme Comics for a very long time.
Our city and county was shifting to a
more restrictive posture on the subject of keeping people the hell away from each
other. My opinions to the contrary, government officials do not consider the sale
of comic books an essential service.
In addition to my usual pull
list, I also bought the 100 page 80th anniversary comic celebrating various
versions of Robin and 4 trade paperbacks. I spent about twice what I normally
drop on a visit to Acme but I wanted to express my support in some way for
Jermaine and his loyal crew at Acme.
Eating food we don't have to cook is a bit of a challenge. A curbside pick up for lunch on Sunday was a bit wonky but I'm trying to be patient. I imagine restaurants are still working the bugs out of their swiftly developed strategies for pick up and delivery.
I know restaurants are taking enough of a hit already but I wish they could reign in drink prices. If someplace wants to charge you $3.00 for a glass of flavored lemonade, at least you can get a re-fill on even one to go when you dine in. I'm way less tolerant of that $3.00 price when all you're gonna get is that one drink.
I know, it's a small and petty thing but it irks me.
Better to dwell on my irks, perhaps, than to think too much about what's going on out there, places where this pandemic is not some hypothetical but a battle of life and death.
Stay safe and remember to be good to one another.

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