Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Coronavirus Comics

Yesterday' post on the coronavirus was a bit negative.

Which is not unusual whenever any of my pontifications turn to politics. Those who seek to gain political partisan points by undermining the severity of  this pandemic and hindering the efforts of those doing what they can to be of help will illicit from me a high level of irk. 

I need to turn to something more worthy of attention.  

Milo Manara, known for his work illustrating women of a highly sexual nature, has turned his pencil and pen to women on the front lines of the pandemic.  Below is a beautifully rendered multi-panel sequence of a nurse, crushed physically and emotionally by stress, rises up from her exhaustion because there is still work to do.

Next up is a great illustration of DC's top trinity of super heroes by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund, posing with the real life heroes who are putting their lives on the line.

Stay safe and remember to be good to one another.  

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