Looking for movies to stream.
TV shows to binge.
Games to play.
Books to read.
Where the hell are they finding the time?
I'm in quarantine and I'm just as busy as ever.
I'm working from home and I am lucky to still have a job but that job is occupying as much time if not more here at home than it did when I drove to an office.
I appreciate that the alternative could be worse. During this pandemic, there are a lot of people out of work. But still, all these people online talking of filling their days with TV shows, movies, online gaming and other pursuits, I want to do some of that too and I just don't have the time.
Just because life has stopped doesn't mean life has stopped.
Even when my work day is done, there's still dishes to clean, laundry that needs to be run, garbage that needs to be taken out, food that needs to be cooked or ordered.
My yard is screaming at me to be mowed, for crying out loud.
Meanwhile, in the stack of comic books I bought last week are still comics I haven't read yet.
My DVR is filling up with shows and movies I haven't watched.
My streaming services are filled with shows and movies I haven't touched.
I don't even have time to write this blog.
OK, obviously I find time to write this.
But clearly, this is just a rambling, whining stream of consciousness rant desperately composed to fill this space with something.
OK, deep breath.
And maybe another one?
Tomorrow, a new Songs for Saturday with a playlist of songs for your COVID-19 isolation.
Until then, remember to stay safe and be good to one another.

I really wish I could find some time for that New Girl binge I've been promising myself for 2 years now.
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