Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Coronavirus Connectivity

Hi there! Dave-El here with another dispatch from quarantine here at the Fortress of Ineptitude, my home – slash – work place – slash – prison.

Donald Trump still professes surprise that about the coronavirus, claiming no one could've seen it coming.

EVERYBODY saw it coming, Li'l Donnie! People tried to tell you, warn you, prepare you and you just didn't want listen. Unless someone mentioned getting dirt on Joe Biden, you didn't give a fuck. 

Maybe someday someone will connect the dots for every step where Trump missed an opportunity to do the right thing and get the nation on a better footing to face this crisis.

Look, if there ever was a case to be made to impeach this son of a bitch, Donald Trump's willful ignorance and neglect that led us to a crisis with thousands dead should be it.

But I don't see anything coming of that. No matter how clear and dangerous Trump's guilt is in his neglect of his duties as President, we know from experience that he will suffer no consequences for his incompetence, no matter how much information exists to connect him to his culpability.

"No one could've seen it coming"? Fuck you, Donald Trump.

Hell, it seems episodes of M*A*S*H saw this coming!

The attached video shows how MASH provided lessons on the importance of social distancing, masks and not touching your face.  

Speaking of not touching your face, my daughter Randie busted my chops for that.

We made an excursion to Target for supplies on Saturday. A day after the CDC recommended everybody should wear a mask, I would estimate about 5% (or less) of the people there had some kind of mask on. That did not include Randie or me.

Also Target did not have toilet paper. I overheard a cashier tell a customer that they DID that morning. By that afternoon, the shelves were stripped bare of any and all toilet paper. Thankfully, we’re doing OK at the Fortress of Ineptitude. I got lucky during a grocery run earlier in the week and was able to secure a 9 roll package of some brand that is not Charmin. (I bet those damn cartoon bears bought up all the good Charmin stuff.) 

Also Target was out of eggs and so was the grocery store earlier this week.  Eggs? OK, why eggs? 

Anyway, as we were exiting Target, Randie gave me grief for touching my face.

While the world is in a tizzy and a lockdown over the coronavirus pandemic, I still have to put up with my own personal health themed hell, spring allergies.

Among the things I have to deal with the coming of spring time, my eyes itch out of their sockets!

I know I shouldn’t rub my eyes like that under normal circumstances  but damn it, my eyes ITCH!

That didn’t stop my darling daughter, the light of my life, the precious life of my heart from busting my balls about it.

And then she told on me. When we got back home to the Fortress of Ineptitude, Randie informed Andrea.

Now I have wife busting my balls about it.

But damn it, my eyes ITCH!!!!

By the way, M*A*S*H came to mind while listening to Jared Kushner's "logic" about the nation's emergency stockpile of medical supplies, that the national stockpile is "ours" and not "theirs" referring to the states.  Which I guess makes the United States of America the Random Collection of States of America? 

Anyway, Hawkeye and Trapper John were on a quest to secure an incubator for the 4077th.  After being told "no" by everyone up and down the army food chain, the doctor's quest leads them to a supply sergeant who has three incubators in storage. But he won't let the 4077th have one. Why? Because he has three incubators. If he lets the doctors have one, he will only have two. Which is less than three. 

OK, I gotta go. My eyes  ITCH!!!!!

Stay safe and be good to one another.  

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