Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Science Knows Why the World Burns

This is what life in California looks like right now.

Into this conflagration of Hell on Earth flew Li'l Donnie Trump, alleged leader of the god damn free world. In a time of disaster and loss, Trump was there to tell everyone they're wrong.  

Oh this stupid, stupid, stupid man...


Also weighing in with the cogent observation that science knows are these people. 

Trump dismissal of climate change is not new. Trump's called it “bullshit” and a “hoax” spread by the Chinese government. 

Most scientists disagree. 

The confluence of events precipitated by climate change are feeding the wildfires ravaging the west coast. 

California is on fire!

Oregon is on fire!

Washington is on fire!  

Or in more broad terms as calmly elucidated by that great leader of science, Bill Nye....

There is a confluence of three conservative viewpoints that serve to challenge the basic science of climate change.

Anything that impedes or restricts profit is bad. Making a business pollute less costs money that is not being spent on the product, service or wages. The whole point of a business is to make a profit. Money spent of making a business pollute less is money that diminishes that profit.  

In other words...

Of course this is a short sided view. People who are sick or dying because of a polluted environment cannot buy your product or service. 

Conservative political ideology holds that less government is better government. Laws and regulations designed for make a company pollute less is an affront to the ideal of living without government interference.

Or to put it this way...

The problem here is there is a difference between limited government and no government. The most extreme application of conservative political ideology is to write a blank check to business to do whatever the hell they want with no government interference. Without government oversight, people will not always act for the greater good if left to their own devices.  

Conservative Christian theology holds that God gave man dominion over the Earth. Which means man can do whatever the hell man wants with the Earth which is all right with God because God wouldn't have given man dominion over the Earth if God didn't like what man was doing. 

Or may be it can be phrased this way...

This is, like much else associated with conservative Christian theology, bullshit. Dominion is a much about responsibility as it does privilege. Having dominion over something is to be responsible for it, to have a duty of care. And being responsible means not expecting God to swoop in for a literal deus ex machina and save us from our misdeeds. 

The problem is that whatever we need to do to limit or reverse climate change and it's negative impact on our world runs directly counter to conservative economics, conservative politics AND conservative religious ideology. The vested interests of all who draw power from conservative economics, conservative politics AND conservative religious ideology are threatened by climate change science. 

And right at the dead soulless heart of this confluence is this fat orange dumbass motherfucking moron! 

There's nothing in it for Donald Trump to fight climate change.  

Donald Trump personally gains nothing in wealth or power by acknowledging the science of climate change. 

So what the fuck does it matter to Donald Trump if  California and the rest of the west coasts burns to the damn ground? It's not like they actually voted for him anyway. 

Science knows why the world burns. 

Can it explain the darkness of the human heart that would let it burn? 

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