Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Holey Moley and Other Stuff


It's time once again for the Tuesday TV Touchbase where I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You answers the question that grips America every week, "What the hell is Dave-El watching on TV?" 

Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy launched new seasons last week with new episodes recorded in our new coronavirus pandemic normal. 

Wheel looks mostly the same with only some small modifications to the existing set and some changes in behavior. 

Pat and the contestants are supposed to be 6 feet from each other. It doesn't quite look it and I'm seeing where a contestant's arm sometimes seems to be stretching into another contestant's space.

The contestants each have a white plastic sleeve that fits over the spokes of the wheel so they can turn the wheel without actually touching the spokes. Pat calls the plastic sleeve "the white thing" while everyone on the internet calls it "the wheel condom". 

Pat keeps his distance from the contestants. No handshakes or shoulder pats at the end of the game. 

Jeopardy has a remodeled set with the contestants set up at three separate podiums. Alex Trebek's podium is set up further away from the contestants.

After the first commercial break, Alex still talks to the guests but at a distance; he does not approach the contestants as he has done in the past.  

The big thing that has everyone talking is the addition of Ken Jennings as a consulting producer; his duties will include presenting video clues and serving as an ambassador for the show. That latter items I figure means that instead of sending out Alex Trebek for any promotional appearances at the various affiliates, the show can send out Ken. With Alex still fighting pancreatic cancer, it's a wonder that he still has the sharp wit and physical ability to host the show.  Ken Jennings can take up the heaving lifting for everything else.  

There has been much speculation that this position on the show is a way to groom Ken Jennings to take over as host. the producers deny this but it makes sense to have a 2nd face associated with the show... just in case.

Look what happened last year on Wheel of Fortune when a medical emergency took Pat Sajak out of commission and Vanna White stepped up to host. Jeopardy has no Vanna, no second face of the show to step up if the situation warranted. 

Alex Trebek is under contract with Jeopardy through 2022 and everyone hopes he stays well enough and happy enough to see that through. But giving Ken Jennings a role with the show now helps to give the show a back stop if needed. 

The first week of the show only had one episode with Ken Jennings presenting a video clue category. 

The first week did not go by without some controversy. The answer for a Final Jeopardy clue was "Who is Berry Gordy?" One contestant was dinged as incorrect because she spelled it as "Barry Gordy". Yes, the long time Motown producer from Detroit did indeed spell his name "Berry" but typically spelling hasn't been an issue in Final Jeopardy. Why now? 

The outcome of the game would not have been impacted if the contestant's answer was allowed to stand as correct. But the contestant loses any bragging rights for getting a Final Jeopardy question correct, even if the right answer didn't win the game.  


This summer, the family here at the Fortress of Ineptitude watched the Ryan Reynolds produced game show Don't, an absurdist game where families compete for cash for NOT doing things while Ryan Reynolds makes snarky comments on the voice over. We weren't paying attention to the game show on before that and that was quite an oversight on our part.

Holey Moley is a game show centered around miniature golf but with the most bizarre, absurd obstacles you've ever seen.

The games are called by  play-by-play commentator Joe Tessitore and color commentator Rob Riggle as golfers contend with such mini-golf challenges like these: 

Double Dutch Courage: Contestants must hit through two large windmills with five large, quickly rotating blades that can knock the player off the putting surface and cause stroke penalties. 

Putter Ducky: Contestants must putt past two oversized rubber ducks that swing from side to side. Afterwards, the players themselves must avoid the ducks. If a player gets knocked into the water (by a duck), they receive a one-stroke penalty.

Slip N' Putt: The contestants must make their way atop an icy hill. The first one to the top gets the better placed ball. Then, they must hit their ball through the legs of the polar bear and slide their way down the hill to the green to complete the hole.

Frankenputt: Players must putt through a series of electrical nodes and Dr. Frankenputt's lair to the hole. Every stroke a player takes, they receive an electrical shock.

Hole Number Two: Players must putt along a narrow ridge with water on one side and a row of porta-potties on the other, before attempting a 2.5-second sprint across the ridge before the porta-potty doors open and knock them into the water. If they fall into the water, they receive a one stroke penalty.

Uranus: Contestants must putt the ball around the outer ring of Uranus. There is a channel where if the contestants land, could provide a shot at a hole in one. After the contestants putt (if the result is not a hole-in-one), they must traverse 4 planets to get to the green. If they fall in, they receive a stroke penalty.

And yes, Joe and Rob take every opportunity to say the word "Uranus" as often and provocatively as possible.  

Rob does everything he can to annoy Joe and overreact to every development on the course. 

The golfers are a veritable smorgasbord of diversity representing all sorts of men and women, black and white, young and old. My favorite contestant was a grandmother who just loves baking cookies. She actually defeated a former NFL player to win the game one night.  

I started watching Holey Moley late during the 2nd season and the whole family was on hand for the season finale.  It certainly makes mini-golf actually interesting in a fun and exceedingly stupid way.


A show my wife Andrea and I watched this past season on ABC was Stumptown, a private eye series starring Cobie Smulders. We really enjoyed this series a lot and were happy to hear Stumptown was renewed for a 2nd season.

OK, not so fast...

ABC reversed its renewal of the show. 

Apparently, the production team was not going to be able to deliver the 2nd season of Stumptown until April 2021 which was a bit longer than ABC was willing to wait for it. 

Some of the production delay can be blamed on restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, it seems, there setbacks getting new scripts ready with Stumptown undergoing a change in creative direction under a new showrunner who took over at the end of the first season.

All hope may not be lost for Stumptown. It seems the production company is free to shop the series to another platform.  

I hope they succeed. Stumptown was a solid show with action, humor and heart; it was very entertaining and deserves another chance.


Some TV shows I actually watch were up for Emmys this past week. Look for a bonus Tuesday TV Touchbase later today as I take at a look at which of my shows won or lost at the Emmys. (Spoiler: mostly lost.) 

Until next time, stay safe, remember to be good to one another while you putt the ball around the outer ring of Uranus and keep it down, would ya, I'm trying to watch some TV here. 

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