Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Trump Train In My Backyard

I was on Politico.com and was reviewing various articles when I came across one about Donald Trump's relationship with women voters.

Here is the opening paragraph of that article: 

SUMMERFIELD, N.C.—Up pulled the big pink bus. “WOMEN FOR TRUMP,” it said on its side. Wearing “Trump girl” shirts, bedazzled Trump caps and cowboy hats and sparkling, silver brooches saying “MAGA,” the several hundred or so (mostly) women bounced on the balls of their feet and held up their phones and took pictures and videos and clapped and hollered with excitement. On the rolling grounds of Bugle Boy Farm, on a temperate fall evening under wisps of white clouds, sisters “Diamond and Silk” led the crowd in a “Trump-train” “choo-choo” chant, Katrina Pierson revved them up some more and finally Lara Trump took the stage.

The part that immediately got my attention was the where this story opens. 

Summerfield, NC is just up the road from my home here at the Fortress of Ineptitude. I've driven past Bugle Boy Farm several times. 

The idea that the “Trump-train” would pul up so close to my backyard is not unexpected. A drive through the rural backroads that curve through the woods and small towns on the outskirts of Greensboro will reveal a plethora of Trump signs. 

I am surrounded by hundreds, nay thousands of people who still buy into the Trump myth, the self made billionaire who looks out for the little people forgotten by a corrupt and out of touch Washington.  

Never mind that Trump's near total dependence on his father's largesse.

Never mind that Trump's status as an actual billionaire is not proven; the recent tax records obtained by the New York Times shows Donald Trump propping up his billionaire lifestyle on a mountain of debt.

Never mind that Trump's actions in Washington have been more to the benefit of the rich. He's actively worked to make life worse for the poor and the middle class, seeking to revoke access to health insurance, rolling back provisions for clean air and water. 

Never mind that Trump's team and supporters in Washington include a cadre of individuals caught up in self serving corruption to an extent not seen in Washington in perhaps over half a century. 

There are none so blind than those who do not wish to see.

There are none so blind than Trump supporters. 

And most blind of all has to be Trump supporters who are women. 

Donald Trump's sexist, misogynistic comments over decades are a matter of record. 

"You have to treat ‘em like shit.” 

“Blood coming out of her … wherever.” 

“She got schlonged.” 

"Just grab 'em by the pussy." 

A litany of women have accused Donald Trump of varying degrees of sexual misconduct, including outright assault. Trump has dismissed these charges with such insightful defenses as describing these women as being not attractive enough for him to want to have sex with. This is, again, a matter of record. There are tweets and recordings of Trump making the appearance of the woman his defense against any allegations of inappropriate conduct. 

And yet there were mere miles from my home "several hundred or so" women "clapped and hollered with excitement" cheering like he's the fucking second coming of Christ. 

I am scared.

Donald Trump is a complete and total travesty, not just as president but as a human being. As I have said in this blog on several occasions, this is not a subjective opinion but an objective fact born out by Trump's every utterance and action.

I can hope that maybe wiser heads will prevail. When one travels back from the woods and small towns on the outskirts of Greensboro and into the city itself, the signs for Joe Biden become more numerous. 

And maybe out there in the rural areas, maybe not all hope is lost. I'm now on Tik Tok and I have found a series of videos that all have that certain aesthetic that once associates with people from the country and small towns. The people in these videos look into the camera and with thick southern accents, they give their opening statement: "Let me tell you about Donald  Trump!" If you think from the demographic cues that what will follow will be praise for dear Donald, you will be surprised. What follows is usually something along the lines of "Donald Trump is a fucking moron!" And what follows that is usually a well articulated recitation of specific reasons why they thing "Donald Trump is a fucking moron!" 

I am, for a moment, relieved that I am not alone, that others can see. 

Then I hear the distant noise and feel the low rumble through the ground. There's a Trump Train in my backyard. 


Tonight is the first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. 

Joe, I'm begging you, stay on topic, stay focused on the issues that matter to Americans, no rambling anecdotes. For God's sake, just don't fuck up. Not even a little bit.  

Li'l Donnie, just be yourself. 

Hate to do another political post but I will likely have some comments on that for a post on Wednesday afternoon or early Thursday.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.  

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