Monday, September 14, 2020

The Joker Is Trump


Last week was a gusher of news about why Donald Trump is a god damn motherfucker.

The report in the Atlantic and corroborated by other news sources that Trump has regularly denigrated America's troops, especially those who have died in service to their country, calling them "losers" and "suckers". 

There was a report that the Department of Homeland Security was modifying reports to bring them in line with Trump's rhetoric, diminishing or ignoring evidence fo Russian involvement in election interference and downplaying the threat of white supremacists groups.

Trump's administration pulled funding for health care for 9/11 first responders. This denial of funding was announced on Friday which was (go check the calendar) September 11th. 

Trump admitted to playing down the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, allegedly to avoid creating a panic. This statement is confirmed in his own words in a recordings made by Bob Woodward while Bob was interviewing Li'l Donnie for his next book.  Trump's acknowledgement of the severity of the virus is in direct contradiction to all his public statements trying to dismiss the coronavirus as a threat. He knew of the severity of this illness even while he was publicly undermining efforts to take it seriously. 

The week presented the most potent, obvious, inescapable examples of why Donald Trump is unethical, immoral, totally lacking in human empathy, unintelligent and well, to summarize, a god damn motherfucker.

Does any of this matter? 

Back on October 26, 2019, I wrote this post called “Ain’t Nothing Gonna Happen.” The theme of the post was taken from a sketch on Saturday Night Live about a political panel discussion show where the host and 2 of the panelists are in a tizzy of excitement about certain revelations that would certainly doom Donald Trump once and for all. Keenan Thompson’s character had this to say: “Ain’t nothing gonna happen.”

And he was right.

Since that sketch aired, we have seen time and time again overwhelming evidence of Donald Trump as unethical, immoral, totally lacking in human empathy, unintelligent and well, to be blunt, a god damn motherfucker.

And he hasn't suffered one damn consequence.

And his base of supporters don't seem to give a god damn motherfucking shit about any of this.

Just last week, Li'l Donnie darkened the skies of my home state of North Carolina and hauled his fat ass up the road from my Fortress of Ineptitude to appear before a crowd of cheering supporters in Winston Salem. 

Really, what the holy fuck is wrong with those people? Do they not have eyes? Or ears? Are they blind and deaf? Are they just plain dumb? The evidence of Donald Trump's incompetence and malfeasance is not a matter of subjective analysis but of completely objective fact. 

The following is not an opinion. It is a fact: Donald Trump is unethical, immoral, totally lacking in human empathy, unintelligent and a god damn motherfucker.

it's this kind of shit that drove Jim Gaffigan over the damn edge a couple of weeks ago.  

In the aftermath of the Bob Woodward expose where we heard Donald Trump in his own words admit to deceiving the American people, this god damn motherfucker still has people defending him. 
  • Lou Dobbs on Fox extolled that Trump was having the best day ever, citing a right wing nut case in Norway who nominated Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize, totally ignoring every other damn bad thing that came out about Trump that day. 
  • Tucker Carlson tried to throw Lindsey Graham under the bus as not sufficiently loyal to Donald Trump, blaming the senator for why Woodward had access to Trump in the first place. 
  • Meghan McCain on the View took issue not with Trump's betrayal of trust but with Woodward, describing him as an enemy of the Republican Party. 
  • Sean Hannity spun Trump's betrayal of trust of the American people as a good and noble thing, equating Trump's actions to those of other leaders in times of crisis like Winston Churchill or Franklin Roosevelt. 

Get a load of this bullshit from, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: "Think of what would have happened if he’d have gone out and said: ‘This is awful. We should all be afraid. We don’t have a plan'."

So that's their argument now? Trump did not start ranting in a panic that we were all doomed. 

Hey, Ronna, you dumb ass shit for brains. NO one is suggesting that Trump or any president for that matter should ever go out and say, ‘This is awful. We should all be afraid. We don’t have a plan'.

It turns out that we should've been afraid because Trump did not have a plan. OK, he had a plan for dealing with a pandemic but Obama's team came up with it so Trump's team threw it out. 

What Trump was saying was more in line with 'This is not that bad. We have nothing to worry about'. And never mind having a plan. Trump's plan extended to hoping the whole thing went away when the weather got warm. 

And of course, Donald Trump insists he did nothing wrong and would give himself an "A" for his handing of the coronavirus pandemic.

"You can't beat the Joker, fool! The Joker is Trump!" 

God, I hope that is not true. That come November 3rd, we can finally vote this motherfucker out of office. 

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