Friday, March 8, 2019

Impeach the Motherf**ker: Onward... Maybe?

Donald Trump is a moron.

A big, dumb moron baby who is indubitably unfit to be President of your local home owner's association, let alone President of the United States.

He has zero grasp of economics.

He has no coherent comprehension on global politics.

He totally lacks in anything resembling basic human empathy.

This man is probably the least fit man in America to be President. And I know full well that this is a country that also has R. Kelly in it.

And yet his presence in the White House persists.

His blindingly obvious shortcomings should've expelled him from the Oval Office on day one and yet he is still here.

Why can't we just impeach the motherfucker?!?!?

Apparently being a fucking moron with a 2nd grade reading level is insufficient to get rid of a President.

So everybody's waiting for something to hang an impeachment hat on, some actual criminal wrongdoing.

But here's a problem. What is there's too much stuff.

Jeff Greenfield, writing for Politico, posed an interest conundrum for anyone with a brain and a heart and courage to finally put our nation out of our misery and throw some water on this orange skinned son of a bitch.

(Ooh, I went all "Wizard of Oz" there.) 

What are some of the possible criminal, fraudulent things that Congressional oversight might uncover? 

Tax evasion!
Insurance fraud!!
Campaign violations!!!
Financial links with foreign governments!!!!
Witness tampering!!!!!
Violations of the emoluments clause?????
(OK, that's a thing in the Constitution that says you can't personally profit from being in government.)
Borrowing garden tools and not bringing them back?!?!?!

Trump and his cronies are involved in so much shit that it all just sort of blurs together. Trump and his sycophantic enablers have already used the muddied waters as a defense.

"Look, the Democrats can't make up their minds what their mad about! All these different things, they're just crazed! Unhinged!"

What if there is just too much stuff to accuse Trump of? What if it looks like the Democrats are just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks?

Of course any efforts to remove Trump from office cannot be done by the Democrats alone. There would have to be a majority of both houses of Congress to effectively proceed with impeachment which means having a big chunk of Republicans on board. 

Look, these pricks have circle jerked around Trump for three years and there's no sign that they're going to change now.

No matter the evidence, no matter the truth of Trump's unfitness for office that we can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears and process into fecal matter through our own intestines.

As long as Republicans can get what they want out of Trump (conservative judges, tax cuts, regulation cuts, etc), they don't care what he does.

This is the man who has stood on foreign soil next to the hostile leader of a hostile foreign power and maligned our own nation's intelligence agencies and affirmed his belief in that hostile leader of a hostile foreign power over his own country. 

Not one damn word.

I remember when President Obama visited Japan and said something to the effect that we should work together to make sure nuclear weapons are never used again and people on the right completely lost their collective shit, accusing Obama of treason, disloyalty and disrespecting the troops.

Meanwhile, Trump stands next to a tyrant who brutally oppresses his people and engages in murder and torture that includes taking the life of an American citizen and Trump says he and this guy get along great. And Trump accepts this guy's word over the assessment of his own government.


No matter what Democratic oversight might turn up, Republicans have put up with a lot of shit from Trump to get what they want for three years. Why change now? 

As Jeff Greenfield put it, "What might these half-dozen committees uncover that would alter this fundamental fact of political life? What could they possibly find that would persuade 20 or more Republican senators to remove Donald Trump from office, given what they have accepted from him so far?"

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