Friday, March 1, 2019

The Lying Liar of Lies

Consider this simple three word sentence:
“I always lie.”

Consider these three words are uttered by someone who has consistently lied to you.

“Superman is published by Marvel Comics.”

“Adam Sandler is the star of Brooklyn Nine Nine.”

“Cucumber is a form of meat.”

“Yellow and blue make purple.”

“Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds are the same person.”

“Lady Gaga is Madonna’s mother.”

“Spongebob Squarepants lives in a pumpkin under the sink.”

And so forth and so on.

After a litany of such statements, this person adds:

“I always lie.” 

Is this a true statement?

Given the endless list of lies before it, yes, it would seem to be true. This person always lies.


“I always lie” is a lie because it is true.

Wait! What?

Let’s chat about Michael Cohen a bit.

In his public testimony to Congress, here was the Republicans’ strategy.

“Michael Cohen lies.”

“Michael Cohen is a liar.”

“Michael Cohen is a lying liar.”

“Michael Cohen is a lying liar who lies.”

“Michael Cohen lies like a liar.”

“Michael Cohen lies like a lying liar.”

“Michael Cohen lies like a lying liar of lies.”

It’s kind of a subtle strategy. I hope you can pick up on it.

To be fair, Michael Cohen is a liar.

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar.

He is in fact going to prison in May for lying.

He’s going to be in prison for three years for lying.

Michael Cohen will lose three years of freedom for being found guilty of telling lies like a lying liars of lies.

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar for lying to Congress on behalf of Donald Trump.

Congressional Republicans are of the mind set that just because Michael Cohen has changed from speaking on behalf of Donald Trump to speaking against Donald Trump, he’s still lying.

“If you were lying to Congress then, why should we believe you’re not lying to Congress now?” 

Let’s make no mistake here. Michael Cohen is no angel. There is no reason to believe that Cohen wouldn’t still be living off the largesse of being Donald Trump’s personal attorney, living an extravagant lifestyle while fixing Trump’s problems through legalese, bribery, blackmail and coercion if life had taken a different path, say a path that didn’t have Donald Trump descend an escalator in the summer of 2015 to declare he was running for President.

But Michael Cohen ran into a tangled web way beyond his capabilities and understanding. He tried to talk his way out of his troubles. He lied. And now he’s facing real consequences for those lies. Maybe such a man who’s reached a dead end where lies will help him no more may in fact see that the truth is his only way out?


Perhaps Congressional Republicans would’ve preferred this testimony from Michael Cohen.

“I was lying then.”

“I am lying now.”

“I always lie.”

And as the last sentence inched its way into the mangled software of their calcified minds, we could watch those same Congressional Republicans short circuit.

“See! He admits he always lies.”

“But if he always lies, isn’t saying he always lies telling the truth?”

“Hold on! If that’s telling the truth, then saying he always lies is…a lie?”



“Wait! Michael Cohen lies like a lying liar of lies. He always lies. So if he said….”

“Just a second, I think I’m getting a handle on this. If he said ‘I always lie’ and he does always lie….”


“But he does always lie, then saying ‘I always lie’ is the truth?”

“Hold it! If ‘I always lie’ is the truth, then he doesn’t always….lie?”














“Daisy, daisy…..”

“Give me your answer……"





"I always lie.”




<Fade to black>

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