Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Mueller Aftermath

On Monday, I posted that in the wake of Robert Mueller delivering his report to the Attorney General that Mueller was never going to save us all from the very, very stupid man currently occupying the White House.

Sorry, boys and girls, no Trumpian collusion with the Russians.

That’s not to say there was nothing going on. But I as I noted in Monday’s post, “I think to prove collusion, Robert Mueller would've needed a more defined quid quo pro between the Russians and the Trump team, like Donald Trump Jr. slipping a Russian operative the password to John Panetta's email account.”   Russia did intersect with Trump World on several occasions but it seemed to me early on that such interactions bordered on a comedy of errors with the Trump operatives being hapless operatives who had nothing to give the Russians that they didn’t already have. 

Well, as much as I completely and utterly despise the very, very stupid man currently occupying the White House, it is a good thing that it has been determined that the whoever might be occupying the White House is not actively and deliberately conspiring with a foreign power in opposition to American interests. 

The thing is, what do we really know? Well, we don’t know squat when it comes to what is in Robert Mueller’s report other than some select quotes provided in the 4 page summary from Attorney General William Barr.

And I don’t want to indulge in paranoia but it bears remembering that William Barr even has the job of Attorney General because Li’l Donnie fired Jeff Sessions for not having his back. Trump wanted an Attorney General that was in HIS corner, looking after Trump’s interests. Barr was already on record from over a year ago disagreeing with the mission of the Special Counsel. Barr could not just chuck the whole report into a trash can but he gave it a good soft-sell spin.

For Trump and his more sniveling, ass kissing sycophants, it’s been more of a hard sell. “Total exoneration!” Trump bellowed even though Barr himself never indicated anything of the sort. Nonetheless, “total exoneration!” was the rallying cry from Sarah Sanders, KelleyAnn Conway, Rudy Guiliani and a host of Trump’s ball lickers. 

Fox News began partying on Friday when the news came out that Robert Mueller delivered his report on Friday, 2 whole days before William Barr released his summary on Sunday afternoon. The partisan pundits on Fox were breaking out the noisemakers and confetti on Friday, acting on the assumption that Mueller’s report delivery did not coincide with any indictments to suggest that the report was good news for their dark lord and master, Vooldemort Donald Trump.

In the days that followed the release of Barr’s letter, there was been a full court press to push the message of  “total exoneration!” as well calling out any politician, pundit or journalist who had ever so much insinuated that Trump or his crew ever even so much as considered the remotest possibility of colluding with Russia. Apparently, Trump has presented the news networks with a list of people who should not be allowed back on the air unless they are prepared to repudiate and apologize for prior negative statements made about Trump and collusion with Russia.

Trump may have won this round and he is (not at all unexpectedly) being a total dick about it. Declaring a total victory where it is not warranted. Demanding retribution against his enemies.  

Basically behaving the boorish way of a very, very stupid man.   

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