Monday, May 6, 2019

Free Comic Book Day 2019

Yesterday's post got away from me.

The object was to touch base on some individual comics handed out as part of Free Comic Book Day 2019

Instead I wound up doing an entire post on DC's Year of the Villain.

"So, Dave-El, besides DC's Year of the Villain, was there anything else from Free Comic Book Day 2019 that you liked?" 

Why yes, there was. Thank you ever so much for asking.  

The 2nd story from the Spider-Man book. The cover featured lead story about Venom was all right for what it was but I'm never, ever going to be interested in Venom, Carnage or any of the symbiote ilk.  

But the issue's 2nd installment was a lot of fun!

Hero vs. Hero!
Spider-Man Vs. Spider-Man!!
Peter Parker Vs. Miles Morales!!!

An epic throw down with epic stakes!!!

Who has the best pizza in New York City?!?!

Seriously. That's the story. And it's got to be the best single Spider-Man story I've read in a long time. 

The Avengers book is a bit of a mess but it's a fun mess. Thankfully, narration from Tony Stark endeavors to string together various plot points from the ongoing Avengers series.  Justice League expys Squadron Supreme of America make an appearance. The SSA are a government super hero team which leads to this bit of meta commentary from Tony Stark. 

"I've never considered myself an enemy of D.C. There've been times you even say I was a fan."   

Lady Mechanika makes her regular FCBD appearance. This is a steampunk series featuring Lady Mechanika, a half human/half machine person who fights nefarious forces who seek to control or destroy biomechancial life like herself and others like her. Lady Mechanika is a character that intrigues me during FCBD but I never seem to seek our her adventures beyond that. Which makes me the kind of FCBD fan that comic book shops must absolutely hate.  

I know very little about the Goon. I know even less about Grumble. But Grumble Vs. the Goon was a wild and wacky ride that I enjoyed a lot.  

The Doctor Who comic was a perfectly serviceable, very family friendly outing for the 13th Doctor and her fam.  

The Star Wars Adventures comic was a fun read with a young Han Solo and Chewie on a wide ranging quest. It was geared for all ages but it had a spirit that the main Star Wars franchise could use more of. 

As much as I miss new Stranger Things, the Stranger Things comic did nothing for me. It's just a lot of talking heads treading water between Season 1 and Season 2.  

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for FCBD served up two stories. One is a mesc en scene sequence as the Turtles race against time and fight against a series of foes to save a mortally injured comrade. Even if you're not exactly sure what's going on, it's an intense and exciting story. The 2nd story is tour down memory lane with 14 different artists to let new readers know how the Turtles have gotten to where they are now.  

It's the 1990's again. Image Comics presents Spawn FCBD#1 which is a reprint of Spawn#1 by Todd McFarlane, then recently freed from his servitude to Marvel  Comics and Spider-Man. In his prime, McFarlane could draw the hell out of a cape but he still struggled with basic story structure. It's a amazing that sitting here in 2019, Spawn is heading towards issue #300.   

Tomorrow's post, we stick with the subject of comic books as I look at some books I paid money for. 

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