Sunday, May 12, 2019

The More They Stay the Same

So I was reading my own blog... because somebody has to, am I right? 

So I was reading my own blog, specifically for posts in May, looking for something I've written on the subject of Mother's Day because, quite frankly, whatever I had to say on the subject of mothers in the past, why should I put myself out tp revisit it now? 

Anyway I came across this post from Tuesday, May 20, 2014 and quite frankly, it made me sad. 


Yeah, I've had some health stuff going on. Nothing too serious, mostly relating to seasonal allergies and the sinus crap I have to deal with somewhere between the middle of April and the middle of May every damn year. Here's what I had to say about that on Twitter.  

 May 11
My sinuses are pounding like a...really large....poundy sort of thing. Crap! Metaphors off line! Gotta lie down awhile.
Good news: My sinus infection will not kill me. 
Bad news: My sinus infection will not kill me.

The conventional wisdom that men are stronger than women is, at least to me, bullshit. Women can pop out babies! Me, I get an aching in my nose and I'm disappointed it WON'T kill me because the alternative of living WITH it is less appealing. Trust me, free birth control would be part of every medical plan if men had to give birth. 

So the lesson here is I'm a total wuss. Still, allow me some sympathy here in that writing stupidity like this is my respite from the pressures of life. And when there's pressure on the sinuses which are distressingly right next to the brain, it's hard to be clever or amusing or whatever it is I allegedly am.  


The last few posts this week have been about my damn sinus infection. 

Oh God! 5 years later and I am still bitching about the same things? 


For the record, not that anyone is interested... hell, it's my blog and I'm not that interested... but I'm still not well, Oh, getting better but not well. Still have annoying cough that just won't quit and my face still hurts. It hurts less which is progress but it still hurts. 

Today is Mother's Day. The plan is for Randie and I to take Andrea to her favorite steak place and then, to celebrate her role in gestating Randie in her body for 9 months, we're going to see Pokemon: Detective Pikachu! 

Nothing says "I love you, Mom" like Pikachu! 

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