Friday, May 24, 2019

Doctor Who: Over the Moon For the Judoon!

Remember way back in 2018 when we weren't getting jack squat in the way of Doctor Who news. The paucity of Doctor Who Series 11 news was so extreme, I wondered if Chris Chibnall had forgotten to actually make any episodes. 

We're about a half a year out from 2020 and the debut of Series 12 and will you look at what we have here.

It's the Doctor confronting a Judoon! 

Well, all righty then! 

And it's not just a picture but we have words from Chris Chibnall.

Yes, the Chib speaks! 

"No! Sho! Blo! The Judoon are storming back into Doctor Who in full force, and the streets of Gloucester aren't safe. If anyone has anything to hide, confess now. The Judoon are taking no prisoners, and will stop at nothing to fulfill their mission."

OK, I'll take it! 

In 2018, I understood the logic behind Chibnall's twin goals:

1) keep a tight lid on everything. Let the shows speak for themselves.

2) all new monsters and aliens, keep Doctor Who moving forward.

But I think Chibnall tacked too far in those respective directions. 

1) Doctor Who fans don't want whole episodes spoiled in advance but we do feel a sort of connection to the creative process. Toss us a bone once in a while, let us feel like we're part of the team. 

2) Maybe you don't want to scare off new viewers by going too often to the well of what has gone on before. But part of Doctor Who's appeal is it's rich history. There's a certain appeal to discovering something that's been on awhile and peeling back the layers and discovering what has gone before. And for long time fans, honoring the show's history acknowledges the time and investment of those fans. 

The Judoon have a history with the show, debuting in 2007 in the premiere episode of Series 3 when David Tennant's Doctor first met Martha Jones. They appear in 2008 as hired muscle of the Shadow Proclamation. Other than that, we have not seen these rhino heads.  

I used the Judoon in a fan fiction I wrote back in 2015 which included this exchange.

The Doctor and Clara turn a corner and blocking their path are three very large Judoon soldiers.
The Doctor: Judoon!
Judoon: Target acquired. Identified as Doctor, The.  

Yes, the Judoon think the Doctor's first name is "The". 

Well, the Judoon are rather thick. 

Oh, this photograph recently turned up on Twitter. 

Yes, Russell T. Davies posing with Jodie Whittaker.

Please, please, please do NOT let that be a coincidence.

Or as I posted on Twitter.

Replying to
I want this more than I want ANYTHING: I want a 13th Doctor story written by RTD and I want it NOW!!! (Sits back, folds arms and waits)
I really want that to happen. 

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