Saturday, May 11, 2019

My Face Hurts!

Well, here we are to Saturday.


I managed to work two full days this week but Friday was a bit of a close one. As the hours of the day slowly grinded their gears through the interminable afternoon, I got the absolute worst headache which set up shop right behind my right eye.  And as if that pain wasn’t enough, I began to feel a familiar ache course through my body, the one I get when an infection I’m fighting decides to fight back.


I’ve been on antibiotics for two days. I should be winning the battle against this sinus infection.


Nobody takes a sinus infection seriously. It is as far as infections go rather benign. I don’t think anyone has died from a sinus infection. It just hurts.


In your face.


My face hurts!


I’ve never pretended to be anything that I’m not. I am certainly not a tough guy. I am without a doubt a total wuss. And I’m sick of my face hurting. 


It really messes with my mind set. I’m depressed. No, I’m more depressed than usual. A constant throbbing ache in one's face will do that to a person.


Well, it does it to me.


If you were to tell me that this sinus infection has a 50/50 chance of getting completely better or killing me, I would consider either one of those as perfectly and equally acceptable options.




Because my face hurts!!!

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