Saturday, May 4, 2019

Hey Look! A Doctor Who Post!

Hey! It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Doctor Who post.

Let’s do one NOW!

Here’s a pic of a collective of co-players in a circle, sonic screwdrivers at the ready, mostly in blue coats but a few in the white shirt/black vest combo from The Woman Who Fell To Earth.  

Speaking of the 13th Doctor, over on Jodie Whittaker’s old stomping grounds, the medical drama Trust Me, the show goes on without Jodie but she’s not forgotten as the new episodes have dropped in some Doctor Who references by way of calling out Jodie’s departed character. 

Nothing new on Doctor Who Series 12. I assume somewhere in the United Kingdom or elsewhere in the world, the team from Cardiff have cameras and microphones at the ready to capture whatever the Doctor is up to. So we’re in the dark about the future of Doctor Who? What else is new?

Speaking of being in the dark, former Doctor Matt Smith is AND is NOT in the new Star Wars movie.

Confused? So apparently is Matt who recently commented that as far as he knows, he’s not in the new Stars Wars movie. 

So what’s up with that?

It seems that early on, the new guest cast for Stars IX included Matt Smith. The official UK site for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker listed these actors as joining the cast of Episode IX : Naomi Ackie, Richard E Grant, Keri Russell, Matt Smith and Dominic Monaghan.

However, recent press info on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has omitted Matt Smith’s name from the guest cast. Also omitted from the guest cast is Dominic Monaghan. Now that is significant because unlike Matt Smith’s lack of certainty that he’s in Star Wars, Dominic has been chatting up anyone who will listen that he’s going to be in the new Star Wars movie.

So what’s going on here? I have no idea. It’s Star Wars so I really don’t care. 

I have a theory.

As we know, Emperor Ovaltine…. Excuse me, Emperor Palpatine is back. Already ancient and decrepit when Darth Vader allegedly killed him way back in Return of the Jedi, I can’t imagine Palpy is in very good shape. What if Palpatine uses the Dark Side of the Force to (yes, I’m going to say it!) REGENERATE himself a younger body, a personage portrayed by one Matt Smith. Which may account for all the secrecy and subterfuge around whether Matt Smith is in the movie or not. 

Or Matt’s just some minor Dark Order functionary who gets forced choked by Kylo Ren in 10 seconds and that part winds up on the cutting room floor during editing. 

One more Doctor Who bit and this comes by way of Killing Eve.

Last week’s episode featured a bonkers character played by Zoe Wannamaker who helped bring Lady Cassandra to life back in Doctor Who Series 1 and 2.  But that’s not the big Doctor Who bit.

Eve Polastri and Jess, her partner from MI6, are entering some kind of new money information tech company thing and Jess is a bit testy about all the young people employed there. She complains that they are half her age, make twice what she does and all they do is sit around debating which Doctor Who companion they want to have sex with.

Without missing a  beat, Eve replies, “Rose Tyler. Oh, she’s so adorable.”

First of all, I’m so glad that Eve has interests beyond profiling serial killers.

Second, I’m pleased those interests include Doctor Who.

And third, Eve doesn’t take time to ponder the question. Which Doctor Who companion you want to have sex with? BAM! “Rose Tyler.”

And “she’s adorable.”

Eve didn’t have to think about it now ‘cause she's thought about it before.

And it puts that whole connection Eve has with Vilanelle in a new light, doesn’t it?

OK, that is that for today's Doctor Who post.

Yes, I know today is May 4th. 


OK, fine: I'll say it: "May the 4th be with you." 

Geez, the things I have to do for you nerds.  

More importantly, today is Free Comic Book Day, a sacred high holy day among the my people. 


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