Sunday, September 15, 2019

Doctor Who: Returns, Look Backs and Farewells

Recently saw a pic from some location shooting for the new season of Doctor Who. Looks like after the events of Resolution, UNIT appears to be back in business. 

And so too are the Daleks.  

And a person, possibly a woman, is there wearing a slightly oversized version of the 5th Doctor's costume. Possibly Osgood is back? 

The thing is I know I didn't imagine seeing this photo. But efforts to scour Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the internet have not located this photo. 

If I'm not hallucinating and this photo does exist, it shows Chris Chibnall doing a major course correction from Series 11 by fully embracing the Doctor Who legacy in Series 12.  

I saw an interview with Billie Piper where she expressed unhappiness with the end of Rose Tyler's arc at the conclusion of Journey's End in Series 4. 

Rose goes back to her parallel Earth she's been living on since the end of Series 2 and the Doctor wants to leave his meta-crisis clone with her, a human/not Time Lord version of the 10th Doctor.  

Billie saw Rose's embrace of this version of the Doctor as consolation prize. 

I tend to agree with her. Not to break anyone's "happily ever after" fantasies but I think it would be interesting to check in that parallel Earth and find that Rose and that Doctor are not a couple.  Those annoying quirks the Doctor has are simply just not as charming without a space/time travelling TARDIS to back them up.  


Sad to hear of the passing of Terrance Dicks a few weeks ago. Back in the day of classic Doctor Who, Terrance Dicks delivered some very noteworthy episodes.    

Terrance wrote the 2nd Doctor's final adventure ("The War Games") and the 4th Doctor's first story ("Robot").  He wrote the 4th Doctor gothic horror story "The Horror of Fang Rock"  and the vampire tale "State of Decay".  Terrence also wrote the 20th anniversary special "The Five Doctors".  

Terrance was also prolific in writing novelizations of Doctor Who episodes, incorporating details and background beyond the budgetary constraints of a BBC show.  

Terrance Dicks was a talented writer who loved Doctor Who and his impact on the world of the Doctor cannot be denied.


On a lighter note, director James Gunn has claimed the hair of another Doctor Who actor.

It seems Peter Capaldi's new bald look is for his role in Gunn's new DC Comics movie, Suicide Squad. Which makes 2 for 2 for getting Doctor Who actors to shave their head. 

Karen Gillan went bald for her roles as Nebula in Gunn's Marvel movie Guardians of the Galaxy.  

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