Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Keeping Your CPAP Machine Clean

You may have seen the commercials on TV for people with CPAP machines and the importance of keeping them clean.

William Shatner is on TV frequently explaining the urgent necessity to keep CPAP machines clean to avoid bacterial infections and what not.

Shatner then extols the benefits of a device known as SoClean that helps keep your CPAP machine clean.

It’s simple to use: you place your CPAP into the SoClean, close the lid, flip a switch and sooner than you can say “Beam me up, Scotty,” the SoClean cleans your CPAP.

But I’ve been wondering…

How do you clean the SoClean?

Is there a bigger SoClean to put the 1st SoClean in to?

That’s right, is there a SoClean for the SoClean?

And if so…

Wait for it…

How do you get THAT bigger SoClean clean?

Answer: An even BIGGER SoClean!

So let’s be sure you’re following me on this:

  1. You put your CPAP into a SoClean.
  2. You put that SoClean into another SoClean.
  3. Then you put that SoClean into an even BIGGER SoClean.
  4. Ta-DA!


How do you get THAT even BIGGER SoClean clean?

Well, obviously, you need to…

*Greetings! This blog is very silly and needs to end now.

Sorry for all the trouble. 

The editorial staff of I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You. 

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