Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Is the Afghan Debacle Not That Big Of a Deal?

In yesterday's post, I commented on the latest debacle to spin out wildly from the Trump White House and crash into bits.


It struck me at the time that this, among all the things that Donald Trump has screwed up and is screwing up and will screw up, this particular debacle was of some significance and noteworthy among the smoldering debris of Li’l Donnie’s incompetence.


However, Trump’s intent to invite terrorists to Camp David on the week of the 9/11 anniversary has not quite resonated as I thought.


Here approximately around noon on Monday, here were the top 10 trending stories on POLITICO.com

Trump’s bungle of Afghanistan did not make the topic ten stories POLITICO was tracking.

A check of other news sites found a similar pattern.  The story of the Afghanistan negotiations, Trump’s ill conceives efforts to interject himself into those proceedings and how it all fell apart seems to have repeatedly sunk below the headlines of most news sites. 

The story of the Air Force personnel who spent tax payer dollars to stay at a Trump resort in Scotland seemed to be a bigger sell.

The story of Donald Trump’s misbegotten incursion into the Afghanistan situation presents more than just the usual bumbling and ignorance we’ve come to expect from Li’l Donnie. It demonstrates a serious breach of trust, casting a cloud once more on America’s diplomatic efforts and escalating the very dangers faced by America’s military on the ground in Afghanistan. 

Why is this debacle not a bigger deal? 

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