Thursday, September 12, 2019

So Little Hope For the Future

Hi there!


Word of caution: today’s post is political.


That’s 4 days in a row of political posts.




Yes, really.


And I’m sorry.


I promise tomorrow’s post will not be political.


It’s gonna be about comic books.


But today…


Sorry. More politics.




Tuesday there was a special election here in North Carolina for the state’s 9th Congressional district.


The Republican candidate, Dan Bishop, won.


Which I find quite a cause for concern.  


Why was North Carolina even having a special election for the state’s 9th Congressional district?


Because in 2018, the election results for the 9th Congressional district got tossed out after the exposure of significant efforts of election fraud on behalf of a different Republican candidate. 


North Carolina was having a special election for the state’s 9th Congressional district because in the 2018 election, some Republicans were caught cheating.


Well, you would think that would be a strike against the party. But apparently not.


Then let’s factor in Donald Trump’s visit.


Trump came to North Carolina ostensibly to stump for Dan Bishop which I guess he did for like a whole minute but mostly he did what he usually does which was brag about himself and whine about his enemies.


Now let’s put Trump’s visit in context with recent events.


A couple of days before he arrived in North Carolina, it was revealed that Trump had invited the Taliban to Camp David for a sit down meet ‘n’ greet on American soil on the week of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.


More context: Trump’s visit to North Carolina was in Fayetteville which is located next to Ft. Bragg, easily one of the biggest and most important army bases in the United States. From Ft. Bragg, hundreds (if not thousands) of troops have gone to Afghanistan and put their lives on the lines fighting the very terrorists who gave cover to the attackers on 9/11, the very same terrorist group that (and I still can’t wrap my head around this but here we go) Trump invited to Camp David for a sit down meet ‘n’ greet on American soil on the week of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.




Yet there was the usual gang of cheering Trump supporters celebrating every inane thing Li’l Donnie had to say and then a day later voting for a candidate who was very vocal and emphatic in his support for Donald Trump, the same man who (seriously) invited fucking Taliban to Camp David for a sit down meet ‘n’ greet on American soil on the week of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.


Son of a bitch!


Yes, Trump did cancel the invitation for the Taliban to come to Camp David for a sit down meet ‘n’ greet on American soil.


On Twitter, Liz Cheney wanted to give Trump credit for doing the right thing in telling the Taliban not to come to Camp David.


NO! I’m not in favor of crediting Trump for rescinding an invitation that was his dumb idea and should never have been extended in the first damn place!




This small minded, thin skinned narcissistic, traitorous bastard comes to my state to tell people to vote for Dan Bishop and the next damn day, people fucking vote for the guy who represents the party that tried to steal the election in the first damn place last year.


I have so little hope for the future.


Tomorrow? Seriously, I need a break.


Comic books, y’all!

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