Friday, September 27, 2019

Greta Thunberg: Being Different Is A Superpower!!!

Her name is Greta Thunberg of Sweden. She is 16 years old and she has Asbergers. 

And she's trying to save the world because... 

Oh, what's the scientific phrase for it? 

Oh, yeah! That's it.

Man, science terminology can be so gosh darn tricky. 

But young Greta understands all too well and has made it her mission to try and save us from ourselves. Following her inspiration and her heartfelt leadership, young people have amassed in the hundreds and the thousands around the globe for climate strikes, vast assemblages of people to get the attention of those in power and force them to see that the world's climate is changing and that the world is in danger and something needs to be done and now.

It is said that there are none so blind than those who will not see and sadly, this is a truism that Greta Thunberg has encountered time and time again. Despite a propensity of evidence both scientific and anecdotal, too many in positions of power still refuse to acknowledge the overwhelming obvious experience that Earth's climate is changing and not for the better. 

The refusal to accept that climate change is real, it’s dangerous and it’s our fault is so engrained in certain small minded people that all they can do is hurl insults at a 16 year old girl with Asperger's syndrome.  

On Fox News on Monday night, The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles called Thunberg mentally ill, saying "If it were about science, it would be led by scientists rather than by politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left."

First of all, you stupid prick, the battle against climate change has been led by scientists.  You know, like this guy!

But scientists can only give us the bad news. It’s up to politicians to set government policies to help mitigate (and if we’re lucky, maybe even reverse) the bad news. Except too many politicians have their fucking heads buried in the fucking sand, refusing to see that… wait, how does it go again?

Thanks, Bill!

So it falls to a 16 year old girl from Sweden who quite frankly would rather be enjoying her childhood to drag herself around the world and convince ignorant goddamn yahoos like yourself that….

Got it, Bill. Thanks! 

And how low do you have to go to make Fox News actually issue an apology? Well, as low as you can go, you cold hearted snake. Yep, Fox News had to issue an apology to Thunberg, calling Knowles' comment "disgraceful." My God! Fox News thought Michael Knowles was “disgraceful”? That’s pretty damn low.

So Sebastian Gorka, former deputy assistant to Trump, comes along and says “Hold my beer” as he compared Thunberg to a "victim of a Maoist 're-education' camp," tweeting that "the adults who brainwashed" her should be charged with child abuse.

Meanwhile, Gorka’s dark lord and master had to get in on the act  with some primo snarky shit.  “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!” Trump wrote late Monday, retweeting a video of the teen giving an impassioned plea at the United Nations Climate Action Summit where she is definitely not happy and not seeing a bright and/or wonderful future. 

Several hours later, Greta Thunberg  updated her Twitter bio to mimic his tweet: "A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.”

And what words cannot convey, a simple look may be just as powerful.

Oh, man! That look!

We feel it, Greta! Every damn day, we feel it. 

She may only be 16 years old but Greta Thunberg  has become an old hand at dealing with abuse.  Last month, she tweeted: "When haters go after your looks and differences, it means they have nowhere left to go. And then you know you’re winning! I have Asperger's and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm. And — given the right circumstances — being different is a superpower. #aspiepower"

You go, girl!


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