Friday, September 13, 2019

You Were Promised Comic Books!

OK, I promised today’s post would not be about politics but about comic books.


Which it is.


Despite the highjack of the North Carolina Legislature by Republicans to override Gov. Cooper’s budget veto.


Seriously, I’m going to talk about comic books.


And not about how most of the Democrats were at a 9/11 memorial and the Republicans took advantage of that absence to override the Governor’s veto.


Which they couldn’t do if all the Democrats had been in attendance. 


No, I’m not going to talk about that.


It’ comic book time here at the ol’ I’m So Glad My Suffering




OK, Wednesday was the anniversary of 9/11. Most of the NC Democrats attended a memorial service having been told that no votes would be taken during the morning session.


And then…




The Republicans called for a vote to override Gov. Cooper’s veto of the state budget.


Yes, I will get to the comic book stuff. I mean it.


But hear me out on this!


Some caveats, if I may.


I don’t know shit about the state budget. Was it a good budget or a bad budget? The fuck if I know!


Gov. Cooper’s veto was a good idea or a bad idea? Discuss amongst yourselves but I’m not weighing in on that.


Here’s where I am IRKED!!!!


Republicans have so little faith in whatever the hell they believe in, they can’t advance their cause and their beliefs without chicanery.


They waited when most of the Democrats were not in attendance (for a 9/11 memorial, for Christ’s sake!) to take a vote to override the Governor’s veto.


Does the ends actually justify the goddamn means?!?


Look, each side…..


I know, I know, comic books. We will get to it, I promise!


In government, each side should get their shot. One side or the other prevails. Or maybe even better, a third way is found through negotiation and compromise.


Listen up, you ass kissing Trump whore Republicans, gaming the system is WRONG, whether through voter suppressions laws or jerrymandering or this shit you pulled on Wednesday, the anniversary of 9/11, for fuck’s sake!


If you can’t prevail on the strength and righteousness of your core ideals and political beliefs, then maybe you need to re-consider the strength and righteousness of your core ideals and political beliefs. 


If you can only win through trickery, then fuck you and fuck your core ideals and political beliefs and fuck the box Cracker Jacks you got them in!







OK, comic books! 


Last weekend, I bought some comic books and I enjoyed them.






OK, that’s all I got.


More tomorrow. No politics! REALLY!!!!!

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