Monday, March 9, 2020

Batman Vs. Daylight Savings Time

SCENE OPENS: the shadowed chambers of the Bat Cave. The Batmobile stands sleek and shiny, the ethereal light of the cave glinting off its smooth black surface.  

A figure cloaked in shadow approaches. It is... the Batman. As he steps towards the Batmobile, he repeats in a deep, sepulchral voice his mantra, to remind himself of his mission and his resolve.  

Batman: I am vengeance! I am the night! I am... Batman!

Batman leaps into the Batmobile as the black canopy slides close over him. The vehicle rumbles to life with the power of a tank as a rocket belches fire from the back. And the Batmobile hurtles forth out of the Bat Cave to deliver it's driver on his nightly mission. 

The roar of the exiting Batmobile comes to an abrupt halt. Then the cave echoes with a "beep beep" noise as the Batmobile rolls backward to its original position.  

The canopy clicks and hisses as it opens to reveal a grimacing Batman.

Batman: I hate Daylight Savings Time!


Batman approaches the Batmobile again. 

Batman: I am vengeance! I am the night! I am... Batman!

Batman enters the Batmobile, closes the top and the vehicle roars out of the Bat Cave.

Once again the roar of the Batmobile comes to an abrupt stop. Then we hear a faint click and a hiss. And then a deep, sepulchral and angry voice. 

Batman: FUCK! 

Then the cave once more echoes with a "beep beep" noise as the Batmobile rolls backward to its original position.  

Batman: Still. Daylight. Out. There! 

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