Thursday, March 19, 2020

Dave-El In Exile

This thing called "social distancing" gives a name to pretty much how I've lived my life to date.  

This should be a breeze for me. 

I can do "social distancing" better than all of you! 

I have had years (YEARS!) of practice! 



OK, I'm not sure I can take much more of this. 

You know what I miss more than anything? A waitress with a sweet southern lilt to her voice asking if I want more iced tea. 

Such a simple thing and I can't have it! All the restaurants are closed for dining in. 

Yesterday was the first day that both myself and my wife Andrea worked from home.  Andrea's job has her on the phone a lot. She sounds very courteous and professional.  

She stayed at her desk all day, even for the several hours where her remote hook up to her job wasn't working. 

She is a dedicated employee. 

Me, I snuck away a couple of times through the afternoon for a quick nap. At the end of my work day, I crashed and slept for 3 hours. It was actually dark when I woke up which is a neat trick to pull off during daylight savings time when it takes all night to get dark.  

I felt achey and tired all over. Just dead tired to the bone. 

Uh oh! Do I have the corona? 

I don't think so but its hard to tell.  Based on what I hear about the symptoms of the coronavirus, I've had the corona for about 40 years. 

Meanwhile, the coronavirus has killed Free Comic Book Day.

Christmas for nerds has been cancelled.

Well, I've lost an important reason to live. 

At least I can still get comic books. My local comic shops, Acme Comics is offering delivery and curb side service. 

So even in this time of crisis, the essential needs of life are being met.  

Except bread. 

Our neighborhood grocery store still does not have bread. 



No, I'm not sure I can take much more of this. 

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